
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2022.05 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 2022년 3월 9일 실시된 대통령 선거에 사전한 TV 토론 중 제1차 TV토론에서 후보자들의 토론 이슈 전략, 언어/비언어적 요소 에 대한 분석의 세 가지 차원을 분석하였다. 특히 본고에서는 Benoit and Wells(1996)가 제시한 설득적 공격과 방어의 스피치 전략 분석틀을 활용하여 분석유목을 제시하였다. 분석 결과, 이재명 후보는 설득적 공격 전략으로 의무나 책무 관련성 4.9%, 불일치성, 약속 위반성에 관한 지적 4.9%를 나타낸 반면, 설득적 방어 전략으로 수치나 해외사례를 근거로 제시하는 예시제시 22.0%, 정책설명 19.5%을 주요하게 사용하였다. 윤 석열 후보는 설득적 공격 전략으로 원색적 비난(인격, 사생활) 7.9%, 불 일치성, 약속 위반성 지적 5.3% 사용하였으나, 설득적 방어 전략으로 불 필요한 발성음, 더듬거림을 18.4%, 단순부정 13.2%, 정책설명 10.5%, 모호하거나 우회적 답변 7.9% 사용하였다. 이재명 후보와 윤석열 후보는 양강 구도를 이루고 있어, 각 이슈마다 대립하였다. 특히 주도권토론에서 양 후보는 대장동 화천대유 이슈로 격론을 벌이며, 다수의 비언어적 제 스처를 취하게 되었다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korea is recognized home and abroad as a country where various religions exist without conflict or enmity which is rare in the world. However, it's certain that Korea is one of the country where social conflict can happen caused by religious conflict or enmity at any time. The conflict and enmity among religions are already deep and it can’t be solved by temporary measure. It will be difficult to overcome this problem without continuous and honest conversations among religions. This study was done with this issue and I aim at finding the new way for conversation and collaboration to reach peace among religions. In Korea, the portion of protestantism and buddhism is biggest and these two religions have the most serious conflict between them. In this situation, I analyzed two survey results. One is ‘the survey for social credit to Korean churches’ done by ‘Christian Ethics Movement of Korea’ with the aim of “evaluating the social credit of Korean churches and finding a way to enhance it.” The other is ‘social culture in Korea and survey of people about religion’ done by ‘Buddhism Society Institute,’ affiliated by Jogye Order of Korean Buddhist with the aim of “finding a indicator for religions in Korea including buddhism and to utilize as a fundamental data on social culture and religion in Korea.” The result of the study shows that the future of Korea churches will be pessimistic if they continue church individualism and aggressive evangelism for the growth of church. It is an urgent task to reform such a image. The way to reach the harmony and co-existence for the peace among religions may be different but being different does not mean wrong. I believe that we can reach harmony with the spirit of ‘Hwa-i-bu-dong’(peace in difference) which is admitting and respecting others. In this era, community spirit is required for rebuilding of community. Religion is not an exception of it. Furthermore, religion has more responsibility and duty compared to other sectors in the society to enhance community spirit and social spirit. Like this, it can be the way to reach the ultimate goal or original function of the religion. For conversation and collaboration among religions, the authenticity from the deep inside of people’s heart is required absolutely.