
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2015.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘Missionsbenediktiner van St. Ottilien’ is the first male convent in Korea. Its history is distinguished in three steps as Seoul period(1909-1927), Duckwon-Yanji Period(1927-1946), and Waegwan Period(1952-). In this study, I have investigated the Location, Arrangement and Architectural style of Pek Dong Abbey, the old Deokwon abbey, and Waegwan Abbey. Each abbey was reflected in the pastoral, social and economic background at the time. Among them Duckwon abbey can be evaluated as the best ideal abbey which presents the combined model of monasteries and missions.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Choryang Waekwan was the biggest Japanese settlment to house the Japanese diplomatic mission and traders in Korea. Waekwan means Japanese Pavilion literally, but the reality of this Waekwan exceeded much the scale of single architecture. Since Choryang Waekwan was closed in the second half of the nineteenth century, the site of this settlement grew rapidly as the downtown of Busan, which was the first port open to foreign countries in modern Korea. The formation of modern port owes much to the presence of Japanese settlment in Lee Dynasty as long as Choryang was officially designated as the trading port toward Japan and vice versa. Busan is the nearest city to Japan, in fact. Within a day ships could reach Tsushima Island, the island region north of Fukuoka, which played an intermediary role between Seoul and Edo. No architectural remain could be seen on the actual site of Choryang Waekwan. The site has become one of the busiest centers in Busan with quantify of office buildings and shops. The former Busan City Hall was located in this area. The field survey of the site as well as the analysis of historical documents, which were newly found both in Korea and in Japan, enabled to reconstruct the architecture and cityscape of Waekwan by way of computer graphics.