
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Total thirty of flushing were attempted on day 4 to 15 of estrus cycle with S heifers and 9 cows by nonsurgical method. The flushed or recovered rate among flushings was 86.7% (26/30) or 88.5% (23/26), respectively. There was no difference in the recovered rate between heifers (85.7%,6/7) and cows (89.5%, 17119). The embryo was recovered on day 4 to 15 of estrus cycle from the donors in natural heat without any technical difficulties.The I2FG Foley catheter used for pubertal heifers had sometimes plug in it with uterine mucus during flushing of uterine horn. But the problem could be overcomed by pumping the catherter with fluthing solution or by changing the catheter. Three normal embryos were recovered from 3 pubertal (10-11 month old) heifers. The rate of normal and abnormal eggs was 60.9% (14123) and 39.1% (9/23), respectively. The abnormal eggs were on degenerating except one unfertilized egg and were mostly recovered from heifers or cows flushed consecutively during the estrus cycle. The developmental states of normal embryos were l6-cells on day 5, 32-cells on day 6, compacted-morula on day 7, early-to expanded-blastocyst on day 8-to 9, and hatching-to hatched-blastocyst on day 10 to 11 of estrus cycle. The stage of embryos on day 8 to 10 showed varities among donors. On day 8 to 9 of estrus cycle hatching-blas tocyst was recovered from some donors.