
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2022년 우리나라의 합계출산율이 0.78명으로 역대 최저를 기록했다. 그러나, 한 국의 최저 출생률 상황에서도 유아용품 시장은 성장하고 있는 특이한 양상을 보이고 있다. 좋은 제품을 원하는 부모의 소비 욕구와 경제적 합리성을 고려한 양육자의 소비 특성은 유아 용품 시장의 양면성을 나타내는 것이다. 그러나 이에 대한 연구는 미비하기에, 본 연구는 유아 용품 소비자의 양면적 특성을 분석하여 소비가치가 태도와 구매 의도에 미치는 영향을 살펴 보고자 하였다. 특히 유아용품 브랜드 유형을 중저가와 프리미엄으로 분류하고 이에 따른 소비 가치와 소비자 행동 간의 상관관계를 조사하여 시장에 유용한 시사점을 도출하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 프리미엄 유아용품 브랜드와 중저가 유아용품 브랜드의 양면적 소비자에게 미치는 영향을 탐색하였고, 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유아용품의 소비가치는 일반적으로 태도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 사회적 가치는 유아용품의 소비가치 중에서 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않았으나, 프리미엄 유아용품에서는 사회적 가치가 태도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치지만, 중저가 유아용품에서는 부정적인 영향을 미친것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 중저가 유아용품은 기능적 가치의 중요성이 높았다. 넷째, 프리미엄 유아용품과 중저가 유아용품 간의 제품 구매를 통한 감정적 만족도에는 큰 차이가 없었다. 다섯째, 유아용품 구매 시 대다수의 소비자가 이성적 가치와 감정적 가치를 복합적으로 고려하는 양면적 소비자로 나타났다. 실무 적으로는 프리미엄 유아용품과 중저가 유아용품의 차이에 대한 이해를 통해, 사회적 가치에 대한 브랜드 전략의 중요성과 중저가 유아용품에서는 기능성 강조가 효과적일 것임을 강조 하였다. 본 연구를 통해 유아용품 시장의 동향과 소비자 행동에 대한 깊은 이해를 제공하여 기업 들이 효과적인 전략 수립에 기여할 것으로 기대할 수 있다.
        2018.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As China has gradually enhanced the levels of economic development and national income or consumption in recent years, to increase the consumption of baby products, markets for high-quality baby products are spotlighted so that the baby product market in China has been growing rapidly and the prospect is bright as well. The government changed the one-child policy into the two-child policy to increase the birth rate from 2015. This policy change can result in the enlargement of the baby goods market. In this regard, this study suggests the following strategies for promoting infant products to China and concrete ways of entering the market. The strategies to enter the Chinese markets are as follows. First, in order to successfully enter China, it is important to understand the situation and characteristics of the Chinese market with Chinese market research and accurate understanding about the recent economic environment in China. Second, enabling online and offline integration and SNS on brand advertisement are necessary. Third, reinforcement of the Wang Hong marketing. Fourth, reinforcement of customer service. Fifth, products promotion through TV advertisement. Sixth, usage of the relationship properly. Seventh, securing the overseas certification system. This study may provide the good implications not only to Korean baby product companies which want to enter the Chinese market but also to the peoples who want to establish the entry strategy into China.
        2017.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As China has gradually enhanced the levels of economic development and national income or consumption in recent years to increase the consumption of baby products, markets for high-quality baby products are spotlighted so that the scale of markets for baby products is predicted to grow from 180 million yuan in 2015 to more than 360 million yuan in 2020. In the trade of major baby products in China, milk powder is much larger in import than in export in that its imports reached 2.52 billion dollars in 2015, whereas its exports reached 8.46 million dollars. As the trade of baby diapers has tended to increase, their exports amounted to 1.92 billion dollars in 2015, whereas their imports amounted to 1.277 billion dollars. In the trade of baby clothes, of which knitting products were given important weight, their exports came to 3.23 billion dollars in 2015, whereas their imports came to 140 million dollars. In the trade of baby products in Korea, the exports of baby products had increased by 2.3 times during the recent period of 2011-2015, whereas their imports had increased by 1.4 times, as the items leading export and import increase were diapers, milk powder, and cosmetics. Of them, the exports of milk powder had increased by 3.1 times from 36.23 million dollars in 2011 to 112.26 million dollars in 2015 and the exports of diapers had increased greatly from 9.91 million dollars in 2011 to 143.13 million dollars in 2015, whereas the exports of baby clothes had decreased from 33.56 million dollars in 2011 to 28.91 million dollars in 2015 According to the current status of trading principal baby products between Korea and China, for 5 years during the period of 2011-2015, the exports of milk powder to China had increased by 3.9 times from 23.85 million dollars to 93.97 million dollars, so that they tend to increase continuously. Korea exports the largest diapers to China in that their exports had increased by 21.4 times from 5.50 million dollars to 117.63 million dollars for 5 years. In Korea’s trade of baby clothes with China, their exports reached 4.09 million dollars in 2015, whereas their imports reached 29.25 million dollars, so that their exports accounted for 14% of the total exports (based on 2015).