This study was planned to investigate the effect of the exposure to hazard factors on work environment satisfaction. Existing researches about job satisfaction have focused on the general working conditions, such as working hours, wage, human relationship, job task and so on. Korean Working Conditions Survey was used for this study because that relevant questions were included. The effect of the exposure to hazard factors on work environment satisfaction may be produced by hierarchical regression analysis because of comparison with existing model for work environment satisfaction. The exposure to hazards factors were statistically significant effect on work environment satisfaction after adjusting other confounding variables, such as gender, age, educational level, job security, work hour, work load, work autonomy, social support, etc. This study has some limitation because that KWCS was cross sectional survey. Some researches about the causal effect and its mechanism may be suggested as future study.
Flexible production system has been expanded to all sectors of economy with the change of labor market and diversification of employment. The unstable employment with irregular work has replaced stable employment with regular work. This study has investigate the impact pathway of the type of employment on health status especially ill-health symptoms experiences. Among the first Korean Working Conditions Survey data, the employee's response data was used to analyze the path way with multiple regression analysis. The result has shown the direct effect of the type of employment on ill-health symptoms experience. Indirect effect of the type of employment was found the pathway via the exposure to noise, high temperature, low temperature, dust, skin contact to chemicals, painful posture, heavy material handling, standing position, repetitive movement of hands. However the exposure to the other hazardous factors such as organic solvent, wholebody vibration, radiation, lifting people, infectious materials were not influenced by the type of employment.