
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문에서 영화 제작자가 사용하곤 했던 불교적 가르침의 렌즈를 통해 서 2011년도 영화 <삼사라(Samsara)>를 고찰했을 뿐 아니라, 영화가 드러 내는 윤회계에서의 그 존재를 탐구하기 위해 이러한 가르침을 사용하였다.􄤋 먼저 텍사스 포트워스(Forth Worth)의 텍사스 기독교 대학(Texas Christian University)에서 반조학(反照學) 동호회를 대상으로 한 영화를 서술하면서 윤회와 자신과의 상호 작용에 대한 간략한 계보 및 벨기에의 종교·문학·역사 국제협회(International Society for Religion, Literature and Culture) 에서 영화에 대해 강의한 원고로 시작하였다. 그 다음 섹션에서는 영화 제작자들이 자신들의 영화를“비언어적, 안내하 는 명상이라고 묘사하기 때문에 영화 <삼사라>에 존재하는 반조적 요소들에 초점을 맞추어 요약하였다. 그리고 최근의 세 학술서들의 출판에서 분명하 게 드러나는 이 주제에 대한 학술적 관심을 고려하면서 불교와 영화라는 주 제를 기술하였다. 마지막에는 윤회에서 인간의 조건에 대한 묘사에 초점을 맞추면서 상호 의존, 무상(無常, anicca), 고(苦, duh.kha) 등과 같은 원리들을 사용하여 영 화에 대한 불교적 해석을 제시하였다. 이 섹션에서는 또한 영화 제작자들의 시간 묘사, 고, 기타 불교와 관련된 주제들을 검토하였다. 이와 같은 불교적 해석을 미국의 영화 비평가들이 제기한 해석들과 서로 비교함으로써 이 영 화를 윤회에 대한 불교적 이해를 탐구하는 반조의 도구로서 고찰하는 것으 로 결론을 맺었다.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses Yeats’s ideas on the transmigration of Souls in A Vision and his poems. Yeats creates the six levels of a human's reincarnation. He insists that Consciousness corresponds with one another in this life and the afterlife in A Vision. He thinks that Consciousness moves toward Will and goes in cycle in Faculties at the moment. However, Consciousness submerges Spirit in Principles and after Spirit unifies Celestial Body it becomes extinct. When Principles dominate the system in the afterlife, Spirit circulates in the system. Faculties have an effect on from birth to death in human, but although submerging in Faculties at the period, Principles have a tremendous impact on getting a new physical body in the afterlife. If a human passes away his body, Consciousness transfers from Faculties to Principles, also from Will to Spirit. And then it arrives at The Vision of Blood Kindred and Meditation. The Vision of Blood Kindred is the illusions of every past experience in Husk and Fascinate Body, resulted in final body. And Meditation is to disappear Husk and Fascinate Body and to appear Spirit and Celestial Body. After that, the stream of soul continuously changes into Return, Dreaming Back, Phantasmagoria, Shiftings, Beatitude, Purification, Foreknowledge step by step. Yeats described them as a cyclical course of afterlife in “Byzantium” and “The Man and the Echo.” In conclusion, a human is reborn in the afterlife through transferring from Principles to Faculties, also from Spirit to Will. The practical transition from Principles Gyre to Faculties Gyre takes place when Consciousness travels from Spirit to a new Husk. So a human passes away from this world and through the six courses of reincarnation in the afterlife. He is reborn in another world.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        s is well known, T. S. Eliot converted to Anglo-Catholicism from Unitarianism. But he had kept a strong interest in Buddhism throughout his life and Buddhism had left a deep impression on his poetry. The poem “East Coker” was first published in 1940, long after his conversion to Anglo-Catholicism. It contains lots of Buddhist thoughts. The poem begins with a citation from Mary Stuart that “in my beginning is my end” and ends with a sentence, “in my end is my beginning.” These two sentences surely show the concept of reincarnation of Buddhism. Though the phenomenal world is vain and the entity is deep in our minds, human beings don’t understand it.Human beings repeat their phenomenal lives and cannot break up the chain of reincarnation. This poem presents two ways of breaking the chain of metempsychosis: one is to abandon the phenomenal world through practice and the other is to take the middle way of Buddhism. The former is the same as the way St. John of the Cross presented. And the latter is what Nagarjuna Boddhisatva proposed. When we break up the chain of reincarnation, the reality will be a rose garden, that is, in Buddhist term, paradise. We ought to exert a great effort to get to the state. One of the successful efforts is to become humble. Humility is emphasized in Christianity and Buddhism. Humility makes us go into the way of darkness, and that is not different from Buddhist’s way of abandoning selfhood.