
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study conducted an on-the-spot survey on the 21 national and private forest roads in the Jeollabuk-do area in order to construct a GIS-based map of the disaster-prone zones in forest roads, and built the database of the locations of the disaster-occurrence and disaster-prone zones and disaster-prone zones. In addition, it built the DB with the Raster of size 10m x 10m using the GIS program after extracting the gradients, the forest shapes, the age of stand, and the soil properties factors by referring to a 1: 25,000 digital map, a detailed soil map, and a digital map of the forest shapes in connection with forest road disasters, and then built a rainfall distribution chart(Raster) after extracting the rainfall factors using the rainfall data of the Korea Water Resources Development Corporation. The map of the disaster-prone zone in forest roads was constructed through the combination of all the completed Raster charts and the applications of the Raster calculation(Raster calculator) technique. It is expected that with a more localized and more quantitative assessment, these study results will provide the base line data for a structural and managerial improvement of the forest roads.