그동안 통일신라시기의 산성은 성벽이나 문지, 집수시설 등을 중심으로 발굴조사 되었 다. 그 결과 성벽의 축조기법이나 조성 시기, 구조 등에 대해선 비교적 많은 자료가 축적된 것이 사실이다. 그러나 한편으로 산성의 주체인 인간의 숙식 등과 관련된 건물지의 조사는 상대적으로 빈약한 편이다. 통일신라시기의 산성 내 건물지는 대체로 기단석을 갖추고 있으나 동 시기 사찰에서 볼 수 있는 가구식기단은 아직까지 확인된 바 없다. 그리고 이 시기의 주요 난방 시설인 쪽구들 의 경우도 초석 건물지에서 발견된 사례가 거의 없다. 단적으로 전면 발굴조사가 진행된 광 양 마로산성의 경우 성주나 하급 관리, 병사들이 머물 수 있는 난방시설이 턱 없이 부족함을 살필 수 있다. 아울러 전술한 기단석의 위계도 거의 찾아볼 수 없다. 당시 광양 마로산성은 치소성이나 거점성으로 인식될 정도로 중요한 산성이었다. 그러나 성주나 관리, 병사들이 상주하기 위한 온돌 건물지와 성주가 머물렀을 것으로 추정되는 건 물지의 기단석 등은 쉽게 구별할 수 없다. 이는 결과적으로 산성 내 건물지가 일상생활을 영 위하기 어려운 구조였음을 알게 한다. 그런 점에서 향후 산성 외부의 건물지 조사에 좀 더 집중할 필요가 있다고 생각된다.
Periodically, the Japanese Castle was created in the domestic of Japan and then 2 invasions into Chosun was started. The Japanese Castle in the domestic of Japan was repaired several times by the building boom of castle before & after 2 invasions and so the initially-built type of castles was changed. Accordingly, there are much difficulties to understand the original shape of Japanese Castle. Through the Japanese Castle within Korea called as the fossil of Japanese Castle, I would like to examine & consider its building period and characteristics. The terminology called as [Two Side Stone's Wall] is that of castle which is not acknowledged in the Japanese Academic Circles. However, it means the two-fold wall of Japanese Castle which was widely applied to the fortification way in the Age of Japan Edo. The terminology of [Sori] says the stonework curve in the corner of Japanese Castle which is indicated best in the Japanese Castle. It calls the curve as like the fan frame. [Curb Stone's Wall] says the type of castle wall constructed with over 1 face in wall body of Japanese Castle. (1) About classifying the construction period of Japanese Castle, the curb stone's wall and the castle having no two side stone's wall must consider the building period as that of Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. If there was [Sori], the two-side stone's wall was used and the place which supported the documentary data, in particular, the place having the record of contraction is considered to be confirmed as the castle constructed in the period of Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1597. (2) The two-side-type stone's wall shown in the Modern Japanese Stone Castle is difficultly considered to be generated from the Japanese Castle at the period of Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 and in 1597. (3) The beautiful [Sori] shown in the Modern Japanese Stone Castle was started from the Japanese Castle of Korea at the period of Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1597. It is difficultly considered which its indication was firstly generated by the Chaesung-Folded Segment Structure.