논에 설치한 유아등에 채집되는 멸구류를 비전문가들도 쉽게 동정할 수 있도록 인터넷에서 운영할 수 있는 하이퍼텍스트 기반의 검색표를 개발하였다. 그리고 정확성 검정을 위해 곤충 동정 경험이 없는 12명의 대학생을 대상으로 그 효용성을 평가하였다. 그 결과, 흰등멸구의 동정 정확성은 56%에서 83%로 증가하였고, 애멸구의 동정 정확성은 47%에서 80%로 증가하였다. 그러나 벼 멸구의 동정 효율을 높이는데는 충분하지 못한 것으로 나타났다.
T. S. Eliot’s grumbling voice of desire is echoed in his poem, The WaSle Land, in terms of hypertext structure and its 10gica1 form. He might call it 피npersona1ity" or “objective corre1ative’‘ in a sense of poetics. 11 is noted that the poem goes beyond an aesthetic structure as seen in print 1iterature: succeeding ideas, deve10ping metaphors and metonymy and words functioning to deve10p a coherent and strong structure in terms of cyber 1iterature. This can be called hypertext poetry (hyper poetry) or hypertext poetics and we can see from the hyper structure and form of the poem hierarchica1 text(s) in a 10gic of metaphor signifying desire. Putting together the cyber nodes, which appear by clicking and a1so alluding to human desire, we can find the source in the internet web, app1ying the re1evant theme from lhe source to newer 1iterary works. The virtua1 rea1ily in the hypertextua1 poem is perceived to be fl비1 of Greek satyr images signifying improper behavior, degradation and mutation, not 10ve or beauty. In so doing, E1iot persistent1y and carefully arranges many symbo1ic personas in tradition, mytho10gy, and art by grave ironies and absurdities of 1ife. In a sense of hyper poetη, E1iot uses such personas with desire, or in anima, to constru띠 hypertextua1ity as a way of characterizing textua1 behavior to 1et us 삐nk about the re1ationship between the poem and hypertext c비ture. E1iot focuses on the technica1 structure of arrangement within the texl, Ihe 1inkages and points of connection between and within its different 1ines, sty1es, and entire fragments This paper examines the intemet sites of the poem to consider E1iot an arranger, comp비er programmer, and inlemel sile organizer in lerms of bypertextuality. He becomes a precursor for cyber lileralure, especialJy hyper poelry in conlrasl 10 James Joyce‘5 hyperlexl narralive, Ulysses. Consequenlly, the cyber links look veη knowledgeable, Ihus taking hold of bOlh alJusions as a lilerary device, and hypertext as a study device. 80th work in such a way tbat each reaches its f1비I potenlial, making Eliot's text more widely readable with alJ of ils connotations, and glvlng us a belter opportunity to study and undersland its form and meaning.