
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2007.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focused on the revival movements in Korea, Revival movements had previously taken place in Wales, America, and India, The revival movements in Korea started with the 1903 Wonsan revival which was led by R. A. Hardie, who was a Methodist medical missionary working in Wonsan, Korea. Then the 1907 Pyungyang revival tool place as a historical movement in Korea. This revival movement was begun with missionaries, but it was mainly led by Pastor Sun Ju Kil who was an elder of the Jang Dae Hyun church. This study discovered following the strengths and weaknesses of Korean revivalism through an evaluation based on historical and missiological insights. A. Strengths: 1. Korean revivalism was based on the believers’ repentance as a result of the work of the Holy Spirit. 2. Korean revivalism was stimulated by missionaries, but it was led by Koreans. 3. Korean revivalism spiritually awakened believers, but it also enhanced evangelism and church growth. 4. Korean evangelism stressed prayer which led people to true repentance. 5. Korean revivalism always emphasized God’s word which led people to conversion. 6. Korean revivalism developed the Korean church into an indigenous church, therefore people felt it as their own. 7. Korean revivalism had a great impact upon other countries like China and Japan. 8. Korean revivalism formed a historical tradition in which some great evangelists were born and trained. B. Weaknesses 1. Korean revivalism tended to be otherworldly and eschatological after independence from Japanese colony. As a result, Korean church lost the balance between a spiritual awakening and political participation. 2. Korean revivalism demonstrated some “prosperity gospel” while reflecting Shamanistic faith. 3. Korean revivalism demonstrated some individual churchcenteredness which could cause conflict among churches. 4. Korean revivalism became so secularized that some evangelists fell to worldly temptations. 5. Korean revivalism allowed the Korean church to confuse the work of the Holy Spirit with the “Holy Spirit Movement.” Korean revivalism needs to be understood in terms of a great spiritual awakening movement, evangelism/missions, church growth, ecumenism, an indigenous church, and a holistic mission. To accomplish this, it needs to be approached through Korean church history and missiology. Some great Korean evangelists were discussed in this study. Sun Ju Kil, Ik Du Kim, Yong Do Lee, Nam Su Chung, Sung Bong Lee, Hwal Ran Mim, Hyun Gyun Shin, and Yong Gi Cho were included as great evangelists in the light of their call by God, their revival ministry, their message, and their contribution. The Korean church needs another great spiritual awakening movement to become a true church of Christ.