
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The plan type of Korean protestant church architecture underwent changes as following five stages according to the changes of the distinction between the sexes. First stage - At the beginning of missionary work in Korea, Koreans generally worshiped in missionary houses which were traditional Korean styles. The plan type of these houses was a simple '-' figure. At that time, men and women worshiped separately because of the idea of the distinction between the sexes. They either worshiped in different places at the same time or in the same place at the different time. Second stage - At this stage, men and women started to worship together in the same place. At the beginning of this stage, men sat in the front of the chapel on a rostrum, and women sat behind the men. The plan type of the chapel was a simple '-' or a rectangular figure. Later, they sat separately on the right and left side. There are the visual interceptions which were set up between them. As the number of church members increased rapidly, a new type of church architecture appeared. It was a 'ㄱ' figure. At that time the entrances were separated by the sexes. Third stage - At this stage, the visual interceptions disappeared as the idea of the distinction between the sexes became weak. As new churches had been constructed by the plan type of rectangular figure, the visual interceptions weren't set up anymore. Fourth stage - At this stage, the separated entrances were unified as one. But the arrangement of their seats didn't change because of the old idea of the distinction between the sexes. Fifth stage - In the final stage, the plan type of the church architecture was not determined by the idea of the distinction between the sexes but social, economical, technological facts and the influence of the foreign architecture. At this stage, new and various kinds of the plan type appeared such as the fan, round, squared, or oval figure as well as the rectangular figure. Men and women were not classified anymore. They started to sit and worship together in the same place. Also, when men and women sat separately from side to side because of the Idea of the distinction between the sexes, men sat on the right and women sat on the left side of rostrum. It didn't applied Confucian ideas but the idea of protestant church; protestant churches have the idea that the right side is more important but it does not in Confucianism.
        2013.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 저품위 회중석을 최종 선별처리 하기에 앞서 비교적 조립자에서 많은 양의 맥석을 제 거하여 경제적이며 효율적인 선별기술을 개발하는데 있다. 일반적으로 저품위 회중석의 경우 1차 조 선정광을 얻기 위해 지그나 스파이랄 등의 비중선별기가 사용되지만, 본 연구에서는 KC3 Knelson Concentrator를 이용한 연구를 수행하였다. 시료는 파쇄와 분쇄과정을 거쳐 1㎜ 이하로 준비하였으 며, 주요 실험변수로 처리횟수, 시료 급광량, Bowl의 회전속도(G Force), 급수량, 자성산물 사전제거, 시료입도 그리고 시료품위 변화 등이 1차 조선정광 회수에 미치는 영향을 관찰하였다. KC3 Knelson Concentrator를 이용한 비중선별 실험결과 처리횟수, 급광량, 시료입도 그리고 원 시료의 품위(WO3%) 등이 선별효율에 영향을 미치는 주요 실험변수임을 확인하였다. 실험결과 최적실험 조건에서 텅스텐 의 품위와 회수율이 각각 3.0%WO3와 90%인 1차 조선정광을 얻었다.