The wheat-rye translocations are world widely used in wheat breeding. Among the various forms of wheat-rye translocation, the 1RS (short arm of rye chromosome 1) translocations are the most widely used because of the valuable genes (e.g. biotic / abiotic resistance genes) introduced from rye. We have developed a new wheat-rye cultivar ‘TRANS’ which have freezing resistance and high yield in this study. ‘TRANS’ is a new wheat-rye translocation cultivar developed by crossing between common wheat ‘Keumkangmil’ and ‘951188-G3-G1’, a 1AL.1RS translocation derived from ‘Fleming’ with the aim of high yield and resistant genes to various unfavorable environments carried by 1RS. ‘TRNAS’ have clearly different genetic and agronomic traits to the control cultivar ‘Keumkangmil’. The heading date and maturity of ‘TRANS’ are later than that of ‘Keumkangmil’. ‘TRANS’ has 1023 spike number per square meters and grain yield of 541 kg/10a, which are higher than ‘Keumkangmil’ (904 spike number/m2 and 504 kg/10a yield). ‘TRANS’ showed winter hardiness and powdery mildew resistance in artificial infection test and field evaluation. ‘TRANS’ gives lower flour yield than ‘Keumkangmil’ but ash and protein content were similar to that of ‘Keumkangmil’. The color of flour and noodle dough of ‘TRANS’ were darker than ‘Keumkangmil’. Quality parameters related to milling, flour quality, noodle dough and end-use quality of ‘TRANS’ indicates that ‘TRANS’ is soft wheat suitable for noodle making. ‘TRANS’ can be cultivated in entire part of Korea. Registration Grant No.: 4695
To analyze the effect of 1RS chromosome segment on anther culture efficiency in wheat, 44 cultivars released from several countries were evaluated. The cultivars applied for this investigation came from several regions and it was necessary to confirm cult