In recent years, companies, consumers, and society have increasingly committed to actions aimed at protecting the environment. Thus, environmental activity has become central to companies’ strategies. Apparel is becoming a disposable product, resulting in a sharp consumption increase (Hwang et al., 2016). The fast growing rates of apparel products consumption and waste lead to an environmental crisis. Smaller brands as well as many multinational companies, including large chains started selling clothes made of ecological fiber. According to the Ethical Fashion Forum, green fashion refers “represents an approach to the design, sourcing and manufacture of apparel which maximizes benefits to people and communities while minimizing impact on the environment.” (Cervellon & Wernerfelt, 2012). The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between perceived effectiveness of green products, attitude toward advertising, brand attitude, purchase intention and green behavior intention and to identify how claim specificity types, cognitive style and sustainable involvement influence on the relationship between variables.
Mobile phone makers compete for market shares through domination in media advertisements. These include domination of advertisements (Ads) in TV and the internet. However, the abundance and complexity of the competitions of Ads in TV does not guarantee advertising success which can influence consumers’ emotion and the purchase intention towards the brand. This research analyses the case of a directional model on Attitude-towards-the-Ad model as a baseline into a new proposed correlation models (MacKenzie, Scott, &Lutz, 1989). The survey targets the involvements of Asian smartphone owners’ attitude on advertisements, brands and purchase intentions. CFA (Confirmatory factor Analysis) was used in the research experiments, including hypothesis testing, the outcome of model fit which revealed significant levels and were successful. The study revealed that all three paths have consistently high coefficient paths (Attitude to Ads – Attitude to Brands – Purchase Intention), showing significant value of (β=>.80), which supported each correlation factors. Therefore, this structural model, could set standards for creative managers and advertising teams to improve the brands visibility and build strong influences on attitudes in advertisements and improve purchase intentions.