In South Korea, the history of the qualifications has been matured with industry development. Since National Technical Qualifications Act was enacted in 1973, the government makes an effort to develop the ability for improving socioeconomic status and the contribution of qualifications to industry. As the industry has been diversified and globalized, the government has efficiently and systematically operating the qualification by enacting Framework Act on Qualifications in 1997. And then, the qualifications are classified into national qualifications, private qualifications, and foreign qualifications. However, it is hard for national qualifications to abolish or establish a qualification by each organization and the privileged license acquisitors as the qualifications are separately operated by the laws and the organizations and lack consistency. For private qualifications, it is harder to organize even by the government because of the entry barriers by each qualification association. For those reasons, it is necessary to organize the system adapted in the changing job market and operated by the organization managing the qualification system with consistency. This research indicates the inefficiency of the qualification system because the work-study parallelism National qualification system, enacted in 2020, is like the qualification system in business in terms of the general operating system and the operator, except the institute and the law related. Therefore, we analyze the work-study parallelism National qualification system and the qualification system in business and suggest the efficient method to operate and the future research plan regarding the whole qualification system.
본 연구에서는 인터넷 메신저를 활용한 수업에서 이루어지는 과학 영재 학생들의 논변활동과 대화의 유형을 분류하여 수업 주제와 형태에 따라 나타나는 차이점을 분석하였다. 수업은 서울대학교 영재센터 학생 가운데 선발된 5명의 남학생을 대상으로 하였으며, 인터넷 메신저 프로그램을 활용하여 진행되었다. 학생들의 논변활동은 Toulmin의 논쟁 틀에 바탕을 두어 분석되었으며, 논변활동 요소의 흐름에 따라 논변활동을 유형화하였다. 연구 결과 학생들의 수업 참여의 기회가 높은 수업에서 상대적으로 높은 수준의 논변활동이 나타났으며, 전체 수업에 걸쳐 4가지의 논변활동 유형이 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 학생들의 논변 능력 향상과 교수자-학습자간의 상호작용 촉진을 위한 수업 모형의 개발과 적절한 주제 선정이 필요함을 시사한다.