
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Online communities are identified as people gathering online and communicating through the internet to share ideas, objectives, goals, without any geographical boundary. The growth of user-generated content created in online communities has transformed the way consumers search for and share information, particularly in the hospitality industry. Particularly, in the restaurant and food sectors due to the intangible nature of hospitality services, online reviews play an important role on consumer decisions. Furthermore, online reviews on restaurants are not only informational but also, they impact consumers’ choices regarding restaurants. Consequently, the nature of such user-generated content that is produced at a high speed and is diverse and rich should be treated and understood. This study proposes the first tailored BERTopic model together with sentiment analysis based on pre-trained BERT model that takes advantage of its novel sentence embedding for creating interpretable topics into the analysis of restaurant online reviews to determine how the customers elaborate their criteria in the context of certain experiences. An exploratory analysis is presented involving a large-scale review data set of 261,531 restaurant online reviews from 4 different countries retrieved from the eWOM community thefork.com. A broad list of the topics discussed by customers post-dining in restaurants is built. Insights into the behavior, experience, and satisfaction of the customers across the different restaurants are discovered. This approach and findings are encouraging hospitality managers in understanding customers’ perception, through which applicable marketing can be developed to attract and retain potential customers.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to develop tea by using the leaves of stevia, which is a herbal plant, and to solve the disadvantages of stevia dried leaf tea, we have manufactured the steamed tea, stir-fried tea and fermented tea by changing the manufacturing processes. As a result of the sensory tests, the steamed tea, stir-fried tea and fermented tea received higher evaluations than the dried leaf tea. In terms of efficiency, it is desired that the total number of steaming and stir-frying is only once, but the fermentation is found to be the most desirable for 2 days. There are no trends for changes in the general ingredients, mineral and free amino acid contents of stevia leaf teas by different manufacturing processes. As a result for the measurement of antioxidant activities, the steamed tea and dried leaf tea did not show significant differences, but the stir-fried tea and the fermented tea show significantly low antioxidant activities as compared to the steamed tea. The contents of stevioside in both the stir-fried tea and the fermented tea were less than that in the dried leaf tea, but in the steamed tea, there was no significant difference in the content of stevioside. Base on the present observations, this study supports high potentials of steaming process in order to produce new stevia leaf tea.