Calpuff 역모델링 기법을 이용해 산출된 자료는 오염물질 발생량을 예측할 수 있으며, 여러 가지 자료 비교를 통해 감축 가능성 및 목표 수립이 가능해졌다. 본 연구에서는 동해항 주변지역을 대 상으로 Calpuff 역모델링 기법을 이용하여 대기 중 미세먼지 저감량 설정하기 위한 기초자료 구축에 목 적을 두었으며, 모델링을 이용한 동해항을 포함한 5개 지역 배출농도 산출결과는 다음과 같다. 대기환경기준인 50 ㎍/㎥을 적용하여 대상 지역별 허용배출량 산출 결과 site-D에서 가장 많은 4.95 ㎍/㎡·S의 배출량 저감이 요구되었으며, 4.95 ㎍/㎡·S의 배출량을 감소시킬 경우 영향예측지점(동해하수 종말처리장)의 PM10 평균 예측농도는 42.6 ㎍/㎥로 감소될 것으로 나타났다. site-A(동해항)에서 배출되는 오염물질만을 적용하여 모델링 진행 결과 동해항 주변 민가의 기여농도 는 평균 40~50 ㎍/㎥으로 나타났으며, 배경농도를 고려하면 대기환경기준인 50 ㎍/㎥을 상회 할 것으 로 예상됨에 따라 더 이상의 오염물질 배출량은 허용되지 않을 것으로 판단된다. site-B는 상가와 나대지로 차량 통행과 나대지에서 비산되는 먼지로 인해 0.11 ㎍/㎡·S의 배출량 저감 이 요구되었으며, site-C와 E는 오염물질 저감량은 발생하지 않았으나 지속적인 관리가 요구된다.
To improve modeling performance of CALPUFF in predicting dispersions of methane as the greenhouse gas and hydrogen sulfide as odor inducing pollutants emitted from Daejeon Landfill, we conducted tracer experiments of C2H2 and compared calculated concentrations by CALPUFF model under different dispersion coefficients with those measured as the tracer. The PG (Pasquill-Gillford) and micro- meteorological options in determining the dispersion coefficients in CALPUFF were tested against the tracer measurements. The results show that the micro-meteorological option, in which the dispersion coefficients are calculated by a similarity theory in planetary boundary layer, leads to a better agreement with the measured tracer concentrations than ISC-PG option.
This study was conducted to induce the effective counterplan of odor management in the Sihwa industrial complex(SIC) utilizing to CALPUFF model with sensory odor. The CALPUFF model was applied to simulate a sensory odor, and was evaluated for odor applicability and the distribution status of odor in SIC was predicted. The simulated concentration showed lower than observed concentration but the prediction of odor was so excellent. The simulation result of CALPUFF model for SIC showed that annual mean odor unit was 5∼7 OU/㎥ (min. 3 OU/㎥, max. 25 OU/㎥). The annual mean odor unit in residential area was not high as 1∼3 OU/㎥ but was predicted to be affected by the weather status in the industrial complex. The odor emission sources of high concentration were distributed in the seashore. Therefore the management of the high concentration sources will be further demanded.
This study was carried out to find the optimal methods in odor dispersion modeling. The CALMET and CALPUFF recommended by US EPA were used in the study. The accuracy of 3 dimensional meteorological field was one of the important parameters in the modeling, To understand the sensitivity of CALMET according to meteorological input data, four Cases were tested and compared with the measurements. The four Cases with various input data were followed : Case 1 was surface and upper measured data, Case 2 was MM5 data only, Case 3 was surface weather station and MM5 data, Case 4 was surface weather station, upper-air weather station and MM5 data. The comparisons of wind speeds, wind direction and temperatures by CALMET model with observations under various input data showed that Case 4 was more accurate than the other Cases. The results of CALPUFF dispersion modeling were compared with odor complains data and they showed that there were similar patterns even if some discrepancies existed. CALPUFF dispersion modeling was also compared with odor monitoring station data, and there was a good agreement in the threshold odor concentrations. In order to get more accurate result for odor modeling, we need following additional measures: First, fine tuning of odor emission data with the consideration of variations of emission fate according to operation hour of the odor emitting facilities. Second, construction of continuous monitoring system(on-line GC, odor a sensor etc.) was necessary to monitor the odor compound concentrations.