This study investigated the conditions under which consumer participatory corporate social responsibility (CSR) campaigns could be effective and focused on power as the key variable. Specifically, based on motivational intensity theory, the interaction effect between participation effort and power was examined on CSR attitude and participation intention. In addition, this study tested the mediated moderating effect of power through self-efficacy in order to examine the mechanism behind the interaction effect. Results of two experimental studies (Study 1 and Study 2) showed a significant the interaction effect of participation effort and power on participation intention. When the consumer's power was low, participation intention was lower for those in the high effort condition compared to those in the low effort condition. On the other hand, when power was high, there was no difference in participation intention according to the level of participation effort. This study has significance in that it reaffirms and furthermore expands the existing academic results and presents practical implications.
This study explores the moderating role of perceived sponsor motive and event-self congruence on the relationship between event-sponsor congruence and attitude toward sponsor in CSR advertisingcampaigns. A scenario based 2 (event-sponsor congruence: high/low) ⅹ 2 (perceived sponsor motive: selfish/altruistic) ⅹ 2 (event-self congruence: high/low) between-subjects design experiments are conducted for the test of hypotheses. According to the results of ANCOVA, consumers' perceived sponsor motive and event-self congruence are shown to moderate the effect of event-sponsor congruence on consumers' attitude toward sponsor. And, when the consumer perceives sponsor motive as ‘altruistic’ and event-self congruence as ‘high’, the difference of attitude toward sponsor between the high group and low group of event-sponsor congruence perception is the lowest.