
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, freeze drying of a porous Ni with unidirectionally aligned pore channels is accomplished by using a NiO powder and camphene. Camphene slurries with NiO content of 5 and 10 vol% are prepared by mixing them with a small amount of dispersant at 50℃. Freezing of a slurry is performed at -25℃ while the growth direction of the camphene is unidirectionally controlled. Pores are generated subsequently by sublimation of the camphene during drying in air for 48 h. The green bodies are hydrogen-reduced at 400℃ and then sintered at 800℃ and 900℃ for 1 h. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that the NiO powder is completely converted to the Ni phase without any reaction phases. The sintered samples show large pores that align parallel pores in the camphene growth direction as well as small pores in the internal walls of large pores. The size of large and small pores decreases with increasing powder content from 5 to 10 vol%. The influence of powder content on the pore structure is explained by the degree of powder rearrangement in slurry and the accumulation behavior of powders in the interdendritic spaces of solidified camphene.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study demonstrates the effect of raw powder on the pore structure of porous W-Ni prepared by freeze drying of camphene-based slurries and sintering process. The reduction behavior of WO3 and WO3-NiO powders is analyzed by a temperature programmed reduction method in Ar-10% H2 atmosphere. After heat treatment in hydrogen atmosphere, WO3- NiO powder mixture is completely converted to metallic W without any reaction phases. Camphene slurries with oxide powders are frozen at −30 oC, and pores in the frozen specimens are generated by sublimation of the camphene during drying in air. The green bodies are hydrogen-reduced at 800 oC and sintered at 1000 oC for 1 h. The sintered samples show large and aligned parallel pores to the camphene growth direction, and small pores in the internal wall of large pores. The strut between large pores, prepared from pure WO3 powder, consists of very fine particles with partially necking between the particles. In contrast, the strut densification is clearly observed in the Ni-added W sample due to the enhanced mass transport in activation sintering.