Chemical decontamination of primary systems in a nuclear power plant (NPP) prior to commencing the main decommissioning activities is required to reduce radiation exposure during its process. The entire process is repeated until the desired decontamination factor is obtained. To achieve improved decontamination factors over a shorter time with fewer cycles, the appropriate flow characteristics are required. In addition, to prepare an operating procedure that is adaptable to various conditions and situations, the transient analysis results would be required for operator action and system impact assessment. In this study, the flow characteristics in the steady-state and transient conditions for the chemical decontamination operations of the Kori-1 NPP were analyzed and compared via the MARS-KS code simulation. Loss of residual heat removal (RHR) and steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) simulations were conducted for the postulated abnormal events. Loss of RHR results showed the reactor coolant system (RCS) temperature increase, which can damage the reactor coolant pump (RCP)s by its cavitation. The SGTR results indicated a void formation in the RCS interior by the decrease in pressurizer (PZR) pressure, which can cause surface exposure and tripping of the RCPs unless proper actions are taken before the required pressure limit is achieved.
In this study, to improve the logistics flow of existing given chemical logistics warehouse, four logistics flow alternatives were proposed to minimize truck interference by building simulation model. The simulation model for chemical storage warehouse was built to evaluate system performance. Among the four new improved alternatives based on the basic model, the model with the same truck’s pathways and locations of facilities identified an increase in the number of interferences but a decrease in daily working hours as the number of resources in a particular facility increases. Therefore, the three groups were classified as ‘efficiency’, ‘complementary’, and ‘safety’ based on the daily working hours, and the ratio of trucks entering two types of logistics warehouse was set in consideration of future market fluctuations. For each of the six types, the optimal number of resources was selected as the number of resources in the facilities with the least number of interferences in the basic model and the evaluation measures and characteristics set in this study were compared and analyzed. As a result, the Alternative 4 model operating the underground roadway produced interference between 17.0% and 36.4% of the basic model, with 113.3% of the interior loadspace.
In this study, the chemical flow of butadiene in the Korean chemical material industry was analyzed by chemical flow analysis. In addition, the atmospheric emissions estimation equation was calculated. The results of the product-specific material flow analysis showed that 1,450,076 tons of butadiene have been used in the domestic chemical material industry. Of that, 28.2% was used for SBR, 29% for BR, 21.2% for ABS, and 21.5% for the manufacture of other rubber products. In addition, butadiene has been used in the production of final products, such as automotive supplies and equipment, tires, shoes, and consumer electronics products. Among them, it was found that the major product at 39% in the production of tires. About 56.7 tons of butadiene found to have been emitted into the atmosphere by the calculated expression. The results of the regional analysis showed butadiene was treated in five cities and seven provinces, with the largest amount of butadiene used in Chungnam. The results of standard industrial classification showed that, among the 23 divisions of the standard industrial classification, butadiene flow in the manufacture of synthetic resins or other plastic materials was found to account for about 70% of the total.