
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In a nuclear power plant, the activated corrosion products are deposited on the reactor coolant system. The activated corrosion products must be removed to reduce the radiation exposure to workers before maintaining or decommissioning of the nuclear power plant. In order to remove the remove the activated duplex oxide layer generated on the reactor coolant system in the pressurized water reactor (PWR), the Cyclic SP (Sulfuric acid/Permanganate)-HyBRID (Hydrazine Based Reductive metal Ion Decontamination) process developed by KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) can be used. After applying the Cyclic SP-HyBRID process, a sulfate-rich waste powder containing the radionuclide is generated, and the radioactive powder has to be stabilized for final disposal. In the previous study, it was confirmed that the low-temperature sintering method can be applied to immobilize the sulfate-rich waste powder. Thus, immobilization of the Cyclic SP-HyBRID process waste powder was carried out by the low-temperature sintering method using a low melting point glass, and the physicochemical and radiological characteristics of a waste form were evaluated in this study. As a result, the compressive strength of the waste form increased with increasing sintering temperature and sintering time. It is considered that the result was caused by the difference in the band gap between the bismuth borate and zinc borate, which are the products during the sintering process. It was verified that the physical stability was maintained after the 107 Gy of irradiation test. In addition, it was confirmed that the radioactive metal hydroxides contained in the waste powder converted to metal oxide forms, which have the lower solubility, at the sintering temperature. Finally, the waste form was evaluated as a low-level radioactive waste from the concentration of radionuclides contained in the waste form.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During the treatment of spent nuclear fuel, radioactive iodine is generated in a liquefied or gaseous form in a specific process. In the case of iodine 129, it is a long-lived nuclide with a very long halflife and has high groundwater mobility under repository conditions. Despite showing a low radioactivity value, research on the management of radioactive iodine from a long-term perspective is continuously being performed. Although research has been conducted using borosilicate glass as a medium for solidifying iodine, compatibility of I in borosilicate glass is very small and the volatility is high in the solidification process. So it is not suitable as a solidified substance of iodine. Therefore, studies on other solidification media to replace them are continuously being conducted. Our research team tried to develop a new medium that can contain iodine in a solidified body stably through a simple heat treatment process and can improve problems such as volatility and waste loading. Iodine is captured as AgI in the Ag ion-exchanged zeolite. So, TeO2, Ag2O, and Bi2O3 having a high AgI loading rate were used as main components. It was named TAB after taking the first letter of each element. In previous studies, the physical properties, structure, and chemical stability of TAB materials were confirmed. PCT (Product Consistent test) was performed to confirm chemical stability. It is mainly used to compare the chemical stability of glass materials with other glass materials, but there are limitations in evaluating the long-term chemical stability of materials. In this experiment, we tried to evaluate the long-term stability of TAB and compare it with borosilicate, which is conventionally used to treat radioactive waste. In addition, we tried to understand the leaching behavior inside the TAB medium. For this purpose, ASTM C1308 test was performed for 365 days, and distilled water and KURT groundwater were used as leachates to examine the effect of ions in the groundwater on the solidified body. To analyze the leaching behavior, ICP-MS and ICP-OES analyses were performed, and the cross-section of the sample after leaching was observed through SEM.