'Eco-feminism' as a combination of two words, 'ecology' and 'feminism', rests on the basic principle that patriarchical philosophies are harmful to women, children, and other living things. Eco-feminists feel that the patriarchical philosophy emphasizes the need to dominate and control unruly females and the unruly wilderness. What is stressed in eco-feminism is to change the still prevailing idea that the male-dominated civilization must be justified: eco-feminists think that human beings came to recognize that such civilization can't be the source of happiness. Meanwhile we can find that in Yeats's and Heaney's poems land and landscape are personified as an oppressed woman, from which I drew a hypothesis that these two poets may offer the prominent examples of literature based upon eco-feminism. By contrast, we can also find that these two poets also reveal patriarchism based upon Catholicism. Therefore, if anything, we can suppose that many works of these poets are reflecting both eco-feminism and patriarchism. The Irish poems and poets cannot but reflect these two ideas: eco-feminism and patriarchism. Meanwhile, in Irish poetry, woman is mainly reflected as three types of human-sovereign, procreator and lover. In Yeats's and Heaney's poems, woman and nature are to be appraised as important materials. Women in Yeats's poems are faithful to the traditional image as the lover or rarely the sovereign. And also, we can find that the persona wants to use her as his poetic inspiration by admiring her beauty and seeking sexual energy and wisdom from her. By contrast, women in Heaney's poems are mainly described as procreators who are to survive the oppressed land. The two poets are to be appraised to reflect eco-feminism in that they both show their love for woman and nature. Strictly speaking, however, Heaney's poems are more declined to eco-feminism while Yeats's poems are more declined to patriarchism: in Heaney's poems land and landscape sometimes appear as the oppressed woman; in Yeats's poems the persona blames woman for her violence, emphasizing that woman should have courtesy, wisdom and sexual attraction, not the intellectual hatred, whereas in Heaney's poems the persona never blames woman but feels pity for her oppressed situation.
본 연구는 zebrafish를 실험어류로 하여 국내에서 혼합제로 사용되고 있는 dichlorvos와 phosalone을 선정하여 단독 및 혼합폭로시 생물농축계수와 배설속도상수를 측정함으로써, 두 농약의 공존이 개별농약의 생물농축성에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. Dichlorvos의 phosalone의 혼합폭로시(dichlorvos : 0.55㎍/㎖, phosalone : 0.01㎍/㎖) zebrafish 체내에서 dichlorvos의 농축정도는 6시간에 정류상태에 도달하여 72시간까지 거의 일정하였으며 단독폭로시(12시간0보다 더 빠르게 정류상태에 도달하였다. 6시간에서 72시간 사이의 BCF평균값은 0.080(n=5)으로 단독폭로시의 12시간에서 72시간 사이의 BCF평균값 0.74(n=4)보다 더 높게 측정되었다. 배설속도상수는 0.12h^-1으로 단독폭로시와 차이가 거의 없었다. Dichlorvos와 phosalone의 혼합폭로시(dichlorvos : 0.55㎍/㎖, phosalone : 0.01㎍/㎖) zebrafish 체내에서 phosalone의 농축정도는 단독폭로시와 같이 12시간 정류상태에서 도달하여 72시간까지 거의 일정하였고, 12시간에서 72시간 사이의 BCF평균값은 53.89(n=4)로 단독폭로시의 BCF평균값 48.88(n=4)보다 더 높게 측정되었다. 배설속도상수는 단독폭로시와 같이 6시간 안에 어류체내에서 phosalone이 모두 배출되어 구하지 못했다. 두농약(dichlorvos, phosalone)의 혼합폭로시의 BCF평균값이 단독폭로시의 BCF평균값보다 더 높게 나왔으나 각 실험시간대(6, 12, 24, 48, 72시간)의 BCF실험값을 t-test로 분석한 결과 phosalone의 48시간을 제외하고는 두 농약의 단독폭로와 혼합폭로시의 BCF값에는 유의한 차이가 없었다(p<0.05). 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때, dichlorvos와 phosalone을 zebrafish에 혼합폭로시 개개 농약의 생물농축성과 배설속도상수에는 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다.