This study was conducted to provide a basis for raising farm income by increasing the yield and extending the cultivation period by creating an environment where crops can be cultivated normally during high temperatures in summer. The maximum cooling load of the multi-span greenhouse with a floor area of 504 m2 was found to be 462,609 W, and keeping the greenhouse under 32°C without shading the greenhouse at a high temperature, it was necessary to fog spray 471.6 L of water per hour. The automatic fog cooling control device was developed to effectively control the fog device, the flow fan, and the light blocking device constituting the fog cooling system. The fog cooling system showed that the temperature of the greenhouse could be lowered by 6°C than the outside temperature. The relative humidity of the fog-cooled greenhouse was 40-80% during the day, about 20% higher than that of the control greenhouse, and this increase in relative humidity contributed to the growth of cucumbers. The relative humidity of the fog cooling greenhouse during the day was 40-80%, which was about 20% higher than that of the control greenhouse, and this increase in relative humidity contributed to the growth of cucumbers. The yield of cucumbers in the fog-cooled greenhouse was 1.8 times higher in the single-span greenhouse and two times higher in the multi-span greenhouse compared to the control greenhouse.
A new design concept for integrated thermal energy storage system is suggested to increase energy saving rate for heating and cooling system of the closed glass greenhouse. Heat pump of air source is installed in the mechanical room and air flows then controlled by damper system located between the greenhouse and outdoor environments. A damper control algorithm is designed to enhance the usage of excessive energy in the glass greenhouse. Since the proposed system is installed at the actual glass greenhouse site for experimental verification of energy savings, the proposed system with damper control is compared with conventional greenhouse heating and cooling system. From results, it is found that more than 10% increase of energy saving rate is achieved.
최근 국내에 많이 보급되고 있는 이류체 포그 냉방시스템의 효율적인 제어알고리즘을 개발하기 위하여 다양한 조건의 분무사이클을 설정하여 토마토재배 온실에서 냉방실험을 실시하였다. 냉방효과는 평균 1.2~4.0℃를 보였고, 냉방효율은 평균 8.2~32.9%로 나타났다. 분무간격에 따른 실험에서 90초 분무사이클의 냉방효율이 가장 높았고, 대체로 분무시간이 길수록, 정지시간이 짧을수록 냉방효율이 높게 나타났다. 이류체 포그시스템의 분무량이 증가할수록 냉방효율이 높아지는 경향을 찾을 수 있었다. 그러나 분무량을 증가시키더라도 내부공기가 포화상태에 가까워지면 더 이상 증발이 일어나지 않으므로 내부공기가 포화상태에 도달하기 전까지 분무량을 증대시키는 방법으로 냉방효율을 높일 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 냉방효율이 증가함에 따라 실내공기의 포차는 감소하였고 실내외 절대습도 차이는 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 포그의 증발량이 증가할수록 실내와 실외의 절대습도 차이는 커지고, 이에 따라 환기에 의한 수증기 배출이 잘 되어 다시 증발효율을 상승시키므로 냉방효율이 높아지는 순환구조를 갖게 되는 것으로 판단된다. 분무시간과 정지시간에 따른 실내공기의 포차변화를 회귀분석한 결과 10g·kg-1의 포차 변화에 필요한 분무시간은 120초, 정지시간은 60초로 나타났다. 그러나 온도의 진동폭을 줄이고 냉방효율을 높이기 위해서는 포차의 변동범위를 5g·kg-1으로 설정하여 60초 분무, 30초 정지가 더 적당할 것으로 판단된다. 이류체 포그시스템의 제어방식을 컴퓨터 제어시스템과 현재 보급되고 있는 간편제어시스템으로 분류하여 제어알고리즘을 유도하였다. 자연환기 온실에서 간편 제어시스템을 사용한다면 분무사이클을 60초 on, 30초 off로 설정하고 온도하한은 30~30~32℃, 습도상한은 85~90%로 설정할 것을 제안한다.
As the Photovoltaic system market increases, various technologies are emerging to improve system operation efficiency. Such additional systems of the power generation system are generally referred to as ‘Balance of System’, for example a panel cooling, a panel cleaning and a panel angle adjusting apparatus. In this paper, we discuss an algorithm to calculate the target temperature of cooling in response to changes in the installation environment conditions of the power generation system so that the efficiency improvement rate target set by the user can be achieved with respect to the control method of the cooling water injection system among various panel cooling apparatuses. In order to calculate the target temperature of cooling, the output enhancement coefficient is calculated experimentally based on the temperature change according to the solar radiation condition of the PV panel, and the required reduction temperature of each irradiation condition is calculated considering the efficiency improvement rate. In addition, the efficiency improvement ratio is calculated considering the installation condition of the general power generation system without a separate control group. The thermal performance coefficient of the PV panel test body for calculating the expected temperature of the PV panel is calculated experimentally. The target temperature of cooling is calculated as the sum of the expected temperature of the PV panel and the required reduction temperature, and the injection system that tracks the target temperature by cooling water injection is constructed and compared with the power generation improvement rate and the user setting efficiency improvement rate.