딸기 묘의 크라운 크기가 정식 후 식물체 생육 및 과실의 수량에 미치는 영향에 관하여 알아보고자 하였다. 묘 크기의 기준은 크라운 직경의 크기로 하여 3등급으로 구분하였으며, A등급 묘는 9.0 mm이상, B등급 묘 8.0∼8.9 mm, C등급 묘 8.0 mm이하로 하였다. 정식기 묘의 크라운 크기가 클수록 정식 후 뿌리 활착 및 식물체 생육이 좋았고, 개화기도 빨랐다. 정화방 첫 꽃 개화기는 A등급 묘가 B등급, C등급 묘에 비해 10일, 평균 개화기는 2∼3일 정도 빨랐다. A등급 묘의 1주당 4월까지 누적수량은 481 g, B등급 445 g, C등급 422 g 으로서, 크라운 직경이 가장 큰 A등급 묘는 B등급, C등급 묘에 비해 각각 8.1%, 13.9% 증수되었고, 2월까지의 초기수량은 A등급 묘가 B, C등급 묘에 비해 각각 23.3%, 39.1% 많았다.
The present study aimed to determine the influence of various root restriction media on seedling quality and early growth of strawberry after transplanting. The root activity of the seedlings, measured 20 days after fixation, was considerably higher (0.096, 0.090, and 0.063 mg·g-1·h-1 at 420, 450, and 480 nm, respectively) in expanded rice hull (ERH) treatment than in the sandy loam and loamy sand treatments. The volumetric water content (VWC) of the root media tested across 3 irrigation regimes (15 d, 30 d, 45 d) in the nursery field was highest in sandy loam (65.0–66.8%), followed by 59.4–61.3% in loamy sand and 38.6–45.3% in ERH. When growth parameters of runner plantlets were compared, ERH treatment was found to result in the highest crown thickness and fresh weights of root and above-ground parts. This had a favorable influence on above-ground tissue growth after transplanting to plastic house soil. As mentioned above, ERH treatment resulted in the highest seedling quality and early growth after transplanting. The results of this study would serve as useful on-site data for the production of high-quality strawberry seedlings.