PURPOSES : When fire event occurs in tunnel the reinforced concrete is exposed to very high temperature at a very short time period. This study investigates the tensile behavior of steel rebar that experienced high temperature.
METHODS : The steel rebar was exposed to 200, 400, 600, and 800℃ following the ISO 834 temperature-time fire curve. Hightemperature- exposed steel rebars were tested using the UTM for their yielding and tensile strengths, and elongation rate.
RESULTS : Up to an exposure temperature of 600℃, the tensile properties of the rebar did not vary considerably. However, at 800℃ (which corresponds to a temperature rise time of approximately 22 min), the rebar lost its yielding and tensile strength by approximately 27 and 13%, respectively, compared to the control specimen. Further, the elongation rate increased after exposure to 600℃. The above fundamental tensile test results can be a good reference for future guidelines in the repair manual for tunnels after severe fire events.
CONCLUSIONS : When steel rebar experiences high temperatures of 800℃, the yield strength of the rebar reduces approximately 27%. This strength reduction can cause severe structural damage to tunnels that use reinforced concrete as the primary structural elements.
This study aims to increase the ability to adapt to the ecosystem and promote a sustainable use of the natural environment, by classifying the types of damaged lands according to various factors, such as the characteristics of the target area and form, cause, and impact of damage. Moreover, the study suggests the development of evaluation categories and criteria by each type. The results obtained are as follows: first, for the assessment of damaged lands, the changed areas were identified utilizing land cover maps. Video analysis was performed to increase the accuracy, and 88 sites were obtained. Second, the types of damage were classified into ecological infrastructure and ecological environment, and the sub-factors of the cause of damage were classified into 12 factors. Third, each evaluation system for the types of damage was composed of four steps, considering each type of damage and the level of evaluators being higher than paraprofessionals. To supplement this study, it will be necessary to utilize the database of damaged lands other than the Seoul Metropolitan Area and conduct an on-site survey for verification in the future.
강구조물에서는 노후화, 과대하중, 반복하중 등 다양한 요인으로 인해 손상이 발생하게 될 수 있는데, 이러한 손상의 초기대응이 늦을 경우 대형사고로 이어질 가능성이 있다. 이러한 이유로 손상을 조기에 탐지하기 위하여 여러 비파괴검사가 진행되고 있는데, 현 검사 기법으로는 대형 강구조물에 적용하기 어려운 단점이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 연속체 형태의 구조물 진단에 주로 사용되는 누설자속 기반 비파괴검사 기법을 적용하였다. 누설자속 기반 비파괴검사 기법의 가능성을 확인하기 위해, 강판 시편에 각각 다른 깊이의 인위적인 손상을 가하였다. 이후 제작한 센서헤드를 시편에 접근시켜 누설자속의 크기를 측정하였다. 이로부터 추출된 신호에 신호처리를 하여 강판의 손상을 검출하였다.
In this study, a magnetic flux leakage (MFL) method that is known as a suitable non-destructive evaluation (NDE) method for continuum ferromagnetic members was applied to detect the various types of local damages of the steel wire ropes. 3types of artificial damages, such as cutting, corrosion and compression, were formed on wire rope specimen. A multi-channel MFL sensor head that can maintain the constant lift-off was fabricated to scan the wire rope specimen. The fabricated MFL sensor head measured the magnetic flux signals from the three types of damaged specimens. The capability of damage detection according to damage type was verified from the measured MFL signals from each type of damage. And, the characteristics of the MFL signals were compared and analyzed by type of damage.