
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In general, if a nuclear fuel cladding tube is damaged during reactor operation, it is called fuel failure. If the cladding tube is damaged, the function of sealing the nuclear fuel material is lost, and the fission products accumulated inside the nuclear fuel rod may leak into the coolant. The causes are the most damage caused by foreign substances in a coolant such as small iron wires, and GTRF (Gridto- Rod Wear) due to a grid, end-plug welding defect, PCMI (pellet cladding mechanical interaction), and oxidation corrosion damage. In this study, a device of simulating friction damage and debris induced damage between grid-fuel rods, which are the main causes of cladding tube damage, was developed. An air vibrator was installed as a function to induce vibration of the nuclear fuel rod. Sandpaper was installed between the grid and the fuel rod to induce friction between the grid-fuel rods. Saw teeth were installed on the grid to induce damage to foreign substances. It is believed that the simulated damaged nuclear fuel rod can be manufactured through on-study to provide the simulated damaged nuclear fuel rod necessary for the stabilization study of the damaged nuclear fuel rod.