
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The correlations among odor intensity, offensive substance concentration, and dilution factor were reviewed for the 12 designated offensive odor substances in this study. It is to propose new regulatory odor standards based on relationships between odor intensity and offensive substance concentration, as well as odor intensity and dilution factor at the site boundary which were obtained from the comprehensive reviews of the adequacy of current regulation standards. Changes in intensity were found to be necessary to reflect exponential changes in concentrations and dilution factors. The change of substance concentrations with respect to the dilution factor was found to be a relatively linear relationship. The thorough evaluations pf relationships among odor intensity, offensive substance concentration, and dilution factor led to the conclusion that the current regulatory standards were inadequate and the modification was necessary to reflect the new understandings. The new regulatory substance standards based on correlations with odor intensity for the 12 compounds were proposed. The proposed ammonia concentrations for the regulatory standard in the semi-industrial and industrial area were 15 ppm and 28 ppm, respectively. These are approximately 15 times higher than those of the current standards. For dimethyl sulfide, dimethyl disulfide, and isovaleraldehyde, the higher concentrations than those of current standards were also pro posed. The proposed regulatory standards of dilution factor in semi-industrial and industrial area were 25 and 50, respectively. It is found that proposed quantitative relationships among the odor intensity, the offensive substance concentration, and the dilution factor in this study turned out to be more adequate to Korean than the current ones.