The utilization of renewable energy will be an inevitable situation in the future because of the acceleration of climate change and depletion of fossil fuels. Waste and biomass are major sources of renewable energy. In the near future, biomass will become the main resource of renewable energy in the world. However, in case of Korea, obtaining a stable supply of biomass is difficult. To overcome this problem, we need to import biomass from other countries. Palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) is known to be a good biomass resource, which is treated by either landfill or incineration in Indonesia and Malaysia. EFB could be used as feedstock for gasification for energy recovery as a gas fuel. Generally, biomass gasification has more stable operation than waste gasification. Nevertheless, biomass gasification generates lots of tar in syngas because of the lignin content in biomass, which may cause problems for gas engines and other processes. In this study, gasification experiments as well as qualitative analysis were conducted for determining syngas characteristics with tar content. Tar sampling and analysis were performed under various conditions by changing the flow rate, sampling time, and sampling gas flow. Measuring the tar content in syngas during the gasification process was also proposed
바이오매스는 화석연료의 사용으로 인한 온실가스 및 에너지고갈 문제를 모두 해결 할 수 있는 탄소중립적인 에너지원으로서 주목을 받고 있다. 세계 2대 팜오일 생산국인 말레이시아의 경우 팜오일을 생산한 후 발생되는 농업부산물이 총 바이오매스의 85% 이상을 차지하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 2010년 말레이시아에서 발생되는 팜 바이오매스는 약 8,000만 톤이며, 2020년까지 약 1억1,000만 톤까지 늘어날 것으로 전망되고 있다. 하지만 발생량의 대부분은 소각 또는 매립이 되고 있는 실정이며, 일부만이 퇴비 및 펠렛으로 이용되고 있어 말레이시아 정부는 다각도로 활용방안을 모색 중이다. 국내의 경우, RPS(Renewable Portfolio Standard, 신재생에너지 공급의무화)제도의 시행으로 인한 대체에너지원 확보가 필요한 상황이지만, 국내 바이오매스는 지역 및 월별 발생량의 편차로 인하여 원료 수급 및 활용 등에 문제점을 가지고 있다. 해외로부터 낮은 밀도와 높은 함수율의 바이오매스를 수급할 경우 운송비가 전체비용의 40% 이상을 차지하므로, 에너지 밀도가 높은 바이오매스의 수급이 필요한 상황이다. 반탄화란 반응온도 200 ~ 300℃ 범위에서 무산소 조건에서 일어나는 열화학적인 공정이며, 부분적인 탈휘발화 반응 및 열분해 반응이 주반응인 공정으로, 바이오매스의 에너지 밀도를 증가시키는 공정이다. 본 연구에서는 간접가열방식의 1kg/h급 로타리킬른 반응기를 이용하여 EFB의 반탄화 특성에 대한 반응온도의 영향을 살펴보았다. 반응온도를 250, 270 및 300℃로 증가시킨 결과 가스와 액체 생성물의 수율은 증가하는 반면 고체생성물의 수율은 감소하는 것으로 나타났다.
Korea has adopted a federal renewable electricity standard that begins at 2% in 2012 and requires companies to source 10% of their electricity from renewables by 2022. Therefore the interest in the use of biomass as a renewable energy resource is growing. By importing biomass, the Korea, which produces too little biomass of its own, can meet the needs of the renewable energy sectors. In the case of import biomass, it will cost a great deal on the transportation and logistics of biomass materials. Therefore new research and development on the biomass fuel with high energy density is needed to reduce logistics cost on transportation of the biomass fuel. Torrefaction is a thermochemical treatment process of biomass at temperatures ranging between 200 and 300oC. Typically, 70% of the mass is retained as a char product, containing 90% of the initial energy content. Torrefaction experiments on samples of EFB were performed in a fixed bed reactor to determine the effect of operation variables such as reaction temperature (205-310oC), reaction time (20-40 min) and air ratio (0-0.18) on char yield and characteristics. Increase of the torrefaction temperature led to a decrease of the yield of the char. The heating value of char increased with the increase of the reaction temperature, because the carbon content increased and hydrogen and oxygen content decreased. The yield of char decreased with increasing air ratio. This suggested that oxidation of EFB occurred during torrefaction in the presence of oxygen.