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      검색결과 5

      2023.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      Considering the non-linear behavior of structure and soil when evaluating a nuclear power plant's seismic safety under a beyond-design basis earthquake is essential. In order to obtain the nonlinear response of a nuclear power plant structure, a time-domain SSI analysis method that considers the nonlinearity of soil and structure and the nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) effect is necessary. The Boundary Reaction Method (BRM) is a time-domain SSI analysis method. The BRM can be applied effectively with a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML), which is an effective energy absorbing boundary condition. The BRM has a characteristic that the magnitude of the response in far-field soil increases as the boundary interface of the effective seismic load moves outward. In addition, the PML has poor absorption performance of low-frequency waves. For this reason, the accuracy of the low-frequency response may be degraded when analyzing the combination of the BRM and the PML. In this study, the accuracy of the analysis response was improved by adjusting the PML input parameters to improve this problem. The accuracy of the response was evaluated by using the analysis response using KIESSI-3D, a frequency domain SSI analysis program, as a reference solution. As a result of the analysis applying the optimal PML parameter, the average error rate of the acceleration response spectrum for 9 degrees of freedom of the structure was 3.40%, which was highly similar to the reference result. In addition, time-domain nonlinear SSI analysis was performed with the soil's nonlinearity to show this study's applicability. As a result of nonlinear SSI analysis, plastic deformation was concentrated in the soil around the foundation. The analysis results found that the analysis method combining BRM and PML can be effectively applied to the seismic response analysis of nuclear power plant structures.
      2005.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      In order to estimate the effective horse power(EHP) in towing net of a bottom trawl ship, the ship's resistance was calculated by using a series data of Yamagata and Wigley formula. Also the effective horse power for a ship(EHPs) was estimated versus the ship speed in sailing and the propulsive efficiency was calculated with the brake horse power and the effective horse power. Then the effective horse power for a ship and a trawl net were estimated in the application of the propulsive efficiency in towing net. The total effective horse power(EHPT) was average 187.6kW and the effective horse power for a 1.awl net(EHPn) was average 176.7kW at a smooth sea state in towing net. The ratio of EHPn to EHPT was about 94.0% and the value was higher slightly than was already informed at a smooth sea state. The power for keeping up a townet speed was required more about 20% of a maximum continuous power at a rather rough sea state than a smooth sea state. In the future, if the residual resistance is considered with a sea state, EHPn will be estimated more correctly Also the data of EHP estimated by this method will be used as the basic data to design a trawl net.
      1975.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      Authors studied the propulsion efficiency of G. T. 280 to 300 class tuna longliners used in Korea. At first authors calculated the ratios and factors of the ship by use of principal dimensions. In cordance with this ratios and factors authors, examined the effective horse power, propulsion ficiency and brake horse power, and following results are obtained. (1) EHP is slightly increased according to the increasing of Froude number and speed. (2) Value of propulsion coefficient is obtained in the range of 51-54% at the cruising speed an its average is 52% in 6-13 knot of the speed. (3) EHP and BHP are increased according to the increasing of prismatic coefficient at the same speed.
      2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
      사면에서의 세류간 토양침식은 빗물방울의 지표면 타격에 의한 토양입자의 박리와 면상흐름에 의한 토사이송의 상호작용에 의한 결과이다. 본 연구는 토양입자를 박리하는 강우동력과 유사이송에 기여하는 면상흐름동력을 토양침식을 위한 에너지 소비율 측면에서 새롭게 정의하고, 강우유발 면상흐름에 의한 세류간 토양침식의 유효동력 함수를 제시하였다. 강우, 경사, 유출과 관계된 인자들에 따른 강우 ․ 면상흐름의 동력을 평가하고, 기존 연구 자료를 바탕으로 이 함수의 상수들을 분석하였다. 또한 강우와 면상흐름 동력의 상대적인 크기 변화는 세류간 토양침식의 물리적 과정과 수문학적 반응을 반영함을 확인하였다. 지표유출 및 토양침식 실측자료를 세류간침식 평가 모형들에 적용한 결과 강우 ․ 면상흐름동력 함수가 가장 높은 정확도를 보여 세류간 토양침식 평가에 적합하다는 것을 확인하였다.