
수산해양기술연구 KCI 등재 Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology 韓國漁業技術學會誌

이 간행물 논문 검색


11권 1호 (1975년 3월) 6

1975.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
광양만의 수온과 염분의 관측을 1974년 5월부터 격월로 1975년 5월까지 7회 걸쳐서 실시한 자료와 그밖에 여수 측후소의 기상관측 자료를 분석한 결과, 그것을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 수온은 9월이 최고로 23.8~24.2˚ C였고, 1월이 최저로 2.5~5.2˚ C여서 연변화량이 19~21˚ C이다. 2)표면에서의 열수지가 (+)일 때는 수심이 얕은 묘도 서쪽해역이 비교적 높은 수온을 나타내며(-)인때는 수심이 깊은 여수해만쪽의 수온이 높게 나타난다. 3)수면의 열수지는 1974년 5월이 93cal/cm2로 가장 크게 나타났고 1975년 1월이 -340cal/cm2로 최저로 나타났다. 4)수심이 얕은 St.E에서의 표층염분의 년변화는 7월이 20.8‰,최고는 3월이 32.5%로 연변화량은 7.3%밖에 되지 않는다. 5)St.A에서 10m층의 염분의 연변화량은 7월이 30.8 로 최저,최고는 3월이 33.0‰로 연변화량 2.2%밖에 되지 않아 섬진강의 하천수영 항이 10m이상 깊이에는 크게 영향을 미치지 못하는 것으로 해석된다. 6)St.A의 10m층과 St.E의 표층수의 염분의 차는 P-E값이 큰 7월이 10 로 최고이고 P-E값이 최저인 11월은 1.0‰로 역시 최저이다. 이것으로 보아 만내의 수심이 얕은 해역에서의 염분은 강수량이나 증발량과 밀접한 관계가 있다. 7)표층수를 분류하면 섬진강의 하천수와 대기의 영향을 가장많이 받는곳이 묘도 서쪽의 C해역이고 그 다음이 묘도 주위의 B해역이며,여수해만과 노량수도를 잇는 A해역은 가장 적게 영향을 받는다. 8) 강수량이 많고 수면에서 열수지도(+)인 5월과 7월은 표층과 10m층의 안정도가 커서 251×10-6~297×10-6이며 수면에서 열손실이 크고 강수량이 적었던 11월,1월 그리고 3월은 수직 안정도가 /-1×10-6~14×10-6으로 수직혼합이 쉽게 일어날수 있어 오염물질의 확산이 훨씬 잘도리 것으로 사료된다. 9)수직안정도는 조류의 영향을 별로 받지 않는다.
1975.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The optical properties of the sea water were studied by use of underwater lux-meters in the coastal waters of Busan from May to November 1975. The absorption coefficient of the sea water in the area ranges from O. 169 to 1. 049 and the mean absorpflOn coefficient is 0.413. Maximum monthly mean absorption coefficient (0. 56) was observed in August, while the minimum was O. 338 in September. There was a distinct discontinuity layer of the absorption coefficient in accordance with the thermocline and the halocline in summer. The mean transparency of the area was 3. 8 meters, and transparency in autumn was higher than that in summer. The relation between absorption coefficient (m) and transparency (D) was deduced, m=1. 57/ D. The rate of light penetration at 5 m-layer of sea water was 2. 5 percent when the solar altitude was six degree in July 1975.
1975.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The catch per unit effort and the migration of Alaska pollack Theragra chalcogramma were deduced from the catch data of 1, 208 hauls of a stern trawler operated on and around the continental shelf east of the Kamchatka Peninsula and Kurile Islands from October 1974 to December 1975. Alaska pollack occupied more than ninety per cent of the total catch of approximately 17, 760 metric tons, while the cuttle and flat fishes occupied less than five percent. Beside those fishes, approximately 131 metric tons of Alaska pollack roe were produced during the voyage from February to April 1975. The mean catch per unit effort in each sub-area of fishing ground was approximately 15.5 metric tons and the peak of the CPUE occured in January and August. The CPUE in the continental shelf east of Kamchatka Peninsula (50˚- 52˚ N Lat) showed the maximum of 25-34 metric tons in August. The main fish school is thought to migrate southward speedily in August-September along the continental shelf from the Kamchatka Peninsula to the east of Kurile Islands. The CPUE on the continental shelf east of Kamchatka Peninsula was higher than that on the steeper continental slope. However, the CPUE on the steeper flank of the bank east of Paramushiru Island and Onekotan Island was remarkably higher than that on the relatively flat top of the bank. The small-sized fishes of less than thirty centimeter in fork length began to recruit in the fishing ground since August 1965.
1975.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Authors studied the propulsion efficiency of G. T. 280 to 300 class tuna longliners used in Korea. At first authors calculated the ratios and factors of the ship by use of principal dimensions. In cordance with this ratios and factors authors, examined the effective horse power, propulsion ficiency and brake horse power, and following results are obtained. (1) EHP is slightly increased according to the increasing of Froude number and speed. (2) Value of propulsion coefficient is obtained in the range of 51-54% at the cruising speed an its average is 52% in 6-13 knot of the speed. (3) EHP and BHP are increased according to the increasing of prismatic coefficient at the same speed.
1975.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Mordern Ocean-going ships utilize stabilization techniques in order to minimize the effects of oscillations due to the unwanted disturbances. In this paper, as an elementary design of automatic control system with linear-state vari;tble feedback and series compensator for ship stabilization, analysis and design is limited to the linear time-invariant single input and output system. In order for the Controlled system to meet the requirements of stability, accuracy and transient response, a model of the automatic control system is proposed. For the analysis and design of this model, the state-space method, that is, the mordern way, or an alternative to the transfer function method of describing a linear system that utilize the state variables and state equations, is applied.
1975.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The ammonium salt of N-Nitrosophenylhydroxiamine, namely Cupferron, is a well-known analytical reagent which precipitates a great number of metal ions in acid medium. Various structures of electrode reduction for N-Nitrosophenylhydroxiamine have been suggested in acid and alkaline media by many researchers, but not in neutral medium. So the mechanism of electrode reaction of Cupferron was investigated by both chronopotentiometric and polarographic methods. It was estimated that the reduction of Cupferron occurs in a three-step mechanism through which a chemical step is interposed between two charge transfer, the ECE (charge transfer-chemical reaction-charge transfer) mechanism, over a range of neutral and alkaline media. The chemical reaction of the process was assumed to be acid-base catalyzed from the fact that kapp (over all rate constant) of chemical reaction is pH dependent.