
수산해양기술연구 KCI 등재 Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology 韓國漁業技術學會誌

이 간행물 논문 검색


32권 3호 (1996년 8월) 14

1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
대형정치망의 원통내에 있어서 멸치어군의 이동행동은 1992년 12월 1일부터 12월 4일까지 일본국 석천현 칠미시 연안에 있는 안단 정치망 어장 3호망에서 스케닝 소나를 이용하여 실시하였는데, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 2개의 원통시아에 어군의 이동행동은 주야간에 차이가 있었고, 밤보다는 낮에 더 많이 이동하였다. 2. 제2 원통에 멸치어군이 존재하였을 때, 제1원통에 있는 멸치어군이 제2 원통으로의 입망 비율은 78%였고, 제2 원통에 멸치어군의 존재는 제2원통에의 입망 비율에 영향을 미쳤다는 것을 시사하고 있다. 그러나, 제2원통에 조밀하게 멸치어군이 존재하였을 때, 제 2원통에 입망한 어군의 체류시간은 매우 짧았고, 제2 원통에서 어군의 밀도 상승은 어군의 도피 비율을 증가시킨다는 것을 시사하고 있다. 3. 멸치어군은 원통에 입망할 때, 대부분이 망의 중앙에서 먼바다 쪽으로 방향을 바꾸어 이동하였다.
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Distribution of Anchovy was analyzed from the experimental operations by the small anchovy drag net fishery in the coastal area of Yang yang - gun and Myongju - gun of Kangwon Province from October to December, 1994. Temperature ranged from 11.4℃.to 17.4℃.throughout the experimental period. Fishes caught by experimental operation vessels were composed of anchovy, Clupanodon Punctatus, Pleuronectidae, Tetraodantidae, Acanthopagrus Schlegeli etc., and the anchovy occupied more than 99.6% of the total catch. Anchovy was characterized by the most abundance of the catch for the individual less than 6cm and the gradual increase after October for those larger than 6cm. CPUE(catch per tow) of anchovy was 684kg in October, 784kg in November, 1,590kg in December and mean CPUE of 3 months from October to December was 1,066kg. Fishing grounds of anchovy were formed in coastal area, from 37˚45'N to 38˚04'N, off Kangwon Province. Distribution density of anchovy in Chumunjin - up, Kyohang - ri Sachon - myon, and Sachonjin - ri coasts was higher than the other areas. Anchovy caught in this surveyed area was recruited from July to September at the length class between 2cm and 3cm, and grew to the sizes between 4cm and Bem in October, between 5cm and tcm in November, between tcm and Bem in December. Recruitment of anchovy increased from July to September and suddenly decreased after September. Individual number of the population was the largest during the period from August to October and gradually decreased after October. Biomass continuously increased after August, and was the largest in December.
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Forecasts of monthly landings of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in Korea were carried out by the seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average(ARlMA) model. The Box - Cox transformation on the walleye pollock catch data handles nonstationary variance. The equation of Box - Cox transformation was Y'=(Y0.31 1)/0.31. The model identification was determined by minimum AIC(Akaike Information Criteria). And the seasonal ARlMA model is presented (1- O.583B)(1- B1)(l- B12)Zt =(l- O.912B)(1- O.732B12)et where: Zt=value at month t ; Bp is a backward shift operator, that is, BpZt=Zt-P; and et= error term at month t, which is to forecast 24 months ahead the walleye pollock landings in Korea. Monthly forecasts of the walleye pollock landings for 1993~ 1994, which were compared with the actual landings, had an absolute percentage error(APE) range of 20.2-226.1 %. Thtal observed annual landings in 1993 and 1994 were 16, 61OM/T and 1O, 748M/T respectively, while the model predicted 10, 7 48M/T and 8, 203M/T(APE 37.0% and 23.7%, respectively).
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The relationship between width of line target and distance at the limit of discrimination was examined by means of the behavioral method, for filefish Stephanolepis cirrhifer from 11 to 15cm body length. Target distance was distance from beginning of partition board to target plate, and was varied from 50cm to 200cm. The target plate was made of white acrylic resin with a vertical black line in the center. The width of line target was varied from 0.2mm to 8.0mm. Fish were trained to respond to a line target and the width of line target reduced until the minimum width required to elicit a response was established. Rate of success was expressed as the percentage of target choices in 90 trials. The line acuity of filefish was found to be 0.58 at a target distance of 50cm. The rate of success decreased slowly as line target width decreased from 8.0mm to 1.5mm, and decreased suddenly for target widths less than about 1.5mm. The width of the line target D(mm) at the limit of discrimination was shown to be an exponential function of the target distance L(cm) as follows : D=exp(9.947×10-3.L+0.146)
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The saury stick - held dip net fishery of Korea in the Northwest Pacific Ocean began in 1985 with 3 vessels. Since then the fishery has grown so rapidly year by year that the number of vessels increased to 34 and the catch to 40 thousands Mff in 1993. In the present study, the monthly situation and the movement of the fishing ground for the pacific saury in the Northwest Pacific were investigated and the monthly optimum fIshing tempertures were estimated, from the relationship between the catch and the sea surface temperature. In the beginning of the fishing season, June to August, the fIshing ground is formed in the very wide range, mainly in the northward area of the front meandering, as the parcific saury migrate northward. In the main season, September to November, the ground is formed in the southward area of the front, off the east coast of Japan. Andd then, the fishing season ends in December with the ground coming near to the east coast of Japan. The monthly optimum fishing tempertures showed 11~13℃. in June to July, 13-17℃. in August to November, and 15~ 17℃. in December in general. The profIles of water temperature were much different in accordance by net casting position in the fishing ground, regardless of season. So, the MLD and CPUE was analyzed to find out the relation between the water temperature and the catch. Then, it is found that the CPUE shows over 0.7Mtr/haul as the MLD 40~70m.40~70m.
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The combined hydroacoustic and bottom trawl surveys were conducted in the Cheju southeastern area by the training ship "KAYA" belong to Pukyong National University in July 1995 and the traning ship "NAGASAKI MARl]" belong to Nagasaki University in April 1994, respectively. The main purpose of the investigations was to provide the basic data for the management and the biomass estimation of commercially important demersal fish stocks in this area. Fish samples were collected by bottom trawling from 10 trawl stations randomly selected in the survey area, and the species and length compositions of trawl catches were examined. The fish school target strength for demersal fish aggregations was related to the catchability of trawl net with a 90 mm mesh codend. The most abundant species in the 1995 trawl stations were Japanese flying squid, sword tip squid and red horsehead and that of the 1994 trawl stations Japanese flying squid and blackmouth goosefish. The average weight per cubic meter of trawl catches collected by bottom trawling in the Cheju southeastern area were 1.0791×lO-4kg/m3 in the 1994 survey area and 1.3636×lO-4kg/m3 in the 1995 survey area, respectively. The catch data by cover net suggest that the efficiency of trawl net could affect the weight normalized target strength values for demersal fish aggregations. That is, the average target strength per unit of weight dropped from - 33.1 dB/kg using the total catch by codend and cover net to - 30.5 dB/kg using only the catch data by codend, and a change of2.6 dB/kg was observed.ange of2.6 dB/kg was observed.
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The distribution and abundance of fish in the Cheju southeastern area was studied by the combined hydroacoustic and bottom trawl surveys in April 1994 and in July 1995, respectively. The main purpose of these investigations was to provide the basic data for this management and the biomass estimation of commercially important demersal fish stocks in this area. The hydroacoustic surveys were performed by using a 50 kHz scientific echo sounder system with a microcomputer-based echo integrator. Acoustical measurements of fish abundance and distribution were conducted along the cruise tracks of research vessel and during all trawl hauls by continuous echo sounding. The average weight-normalized target strength for demersal fish aggregations was derived from the relationship between the mean volume backscattering strength for the depth strata of trawl hauls and the weight per cubic meter of trawl catches. The geographical distribution of fish stocks in the 1994 survey area was investigated in relation to oceanographic conditions. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. From the 1994 and 1995 survey data, the relationship between the mean volume backscattering strength (〈SV〉, dB) for the depth strata of trawl hauls and the weight (W, kg/m3) per cubic meter of trawl catches was expressed by the following equation 〈SV〉 = - 32.8+ lOlog(W) The average weighted-target strength value at 50 kHz derived from this equation was .. 32.8 dB/kg. 2. In 1994 and 1995, both surveys showed a trend of decreasing fish abundance toward the southern area of the Cheju Island with high densities offish along the west coast ofth.e Tsushima Island. The highest demersal concentrations in the southern area of the CheJu Island appeared in bottom waters colder than 12℃.. . 3. From the results of combined bottom trawl and hydroacoustic surveys, the estunated fish densities in the southeastern area of the Cheju Island were 1.5488 x 10-4kg/m3 in the 1994 surveyand 1.9498 x 10-4kg/m3 in the 1995 survey, respectively.
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Generally, the flow around the ship's hull often appear 3-dimensional separation at the bow and stem, and the vortex by this flow affects greatly the resistance propulsive efficiency and maneuverability of the ship. This study is compared the calculated result based on the streamlines calculation method with the experimental result by oil fIlm method to analyze the patterns and characteristics of the flows around the ship's hull of chine form. DTMB Series 62, 4667-1 vessel was selected as a sample ship of chine form and model ship was painted with the mixture of oil-color, paint, and poly wax at the surface of the vessel and tested in the model towing tank of Inha University. The results obtained in this study are listed briefly as follows ; 1. For the single chine form, after 4½ station the streamlines are crossed at the chine line and the streamlines are converted to the vortex follow the chine line. 2. For the single chine form, the vortex appered increases and severely in and arround the stern. 3. The approximate streamlines for the ship's hull of chine form can be assigned by the use of the Watanabe's basic transformation formular.
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper established the analytical model of sea surface oscilation of simple type fishing port with vertical wave absorbor. This model is composed by MAEM(Matched Asymptotic Expansion Method) for wave amplification in fishing port and EEM(Eigen - function Expansion Method) for wave absorbing characteristics against vertical perforated plates. Dimensionless porosity by adopting Darcy's law was introduced to evaluate wave absorbing characteristics of the perforated structure. Using the model, the efficiency of the vertical perforated plates was studied for fishing port tranqulity with number of plates, array method and plate intervals. Optimal design and arrangement of perforated plates can be applied to develop multipurpose fishing ports and villages.
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
To improve the corrosion resistance of stainless steel and Fe, the adherence between fIlm and substarte and the corrosion resistance to ceramic fIlm (TiO2 and ZrO2), coated by RF magnetron sputtering, were studied. The adherence index (X) was determined by the measure of micro - hardness test. Also, the corrosion resistance on oxide coatings was studied using electrochemical measurement. The main results obtained are as the following: 1) In the micro - hardness test, with 1J.UI1 thickness fIlm, it has only one the value of X. Above 2J.UI1 thickness fIlm, however, get another value ofX as the cracks in fIlm. 2) The adhensivity of titania (TiO2) coated fIlm is superior to that of zirconia (ZrO2) coated fIlm. 3) All oxide fIlm used adhere well on the mild materials such as pure steel than high intensity materials like stainless steel. 4) The corrosion resistance of zirconia coated materials was improved compared to titania coated materials.
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Cavitation erosion-corrosion implies damage to materials due to the shock pressure or shock wave that results when bubbles form and collapse at a metal surface within a liquid. If the liquids corrosive to the material, a condition typically encountered in industry, the component materials may suffer serious damage by a combination of mechanical and electrochemical attack. To suppress cavitation erosion as well as cavitation erosion-corrosion to hydraulic equipments, innovations such as the improvement in the geometric design of the equipment or the selection of suitably resistant construction materials are necessary. This study was tested by using the piezoelectric vibrator with 20kHz, 24μm for cavitation generation. And also, the vibratory cavitation erosion-corrosion tests on commercial mild steel SS41were carried out. We carefully observed the erosion pattern and surface photography. The geometrical mechanism of pit growth, which is to be likely these processing; shallow typelongrightarrowundercut typelongrightarrowwide shallow type.
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
엔진 배기가스의 동력과 유량이 배기행정의 직전 단계에서 관찰되었다. 배기가스 양을 적당히 조정함으로써 터보 과급의 입구 압력을 증가시킬 수 있었으며 엔진의 흡기, 소기 및 배기과정에서 가스질량과 엔진의 동력, 그리고 터보과급 효과도 감소하였다. 터보 과급장치를 기하학적으로 적절화시킴으로써 싸이클의 동기화 및 동력의 효율이 고려된 열교환 과정의 효율 기준도 제기되었으며 디젤엔진의 연소싸이클을 재수정하는 과정과 터빈의 동역학적 특성도 제시되었다.
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
터빈 노즐 면적을 최적화함과 동시에 동기화 시킴으로서 기관의 싸이클 특성의 변화를 시도하였다. 그 결과 동력 추출을 위한 가스 유동이 제한을 받게 되고 최종의 팽창비 δ에 의하여 싸이클의 변화가 이루어졌으며 동력의 이득은 싸이클 효율이 증가됨으로써 성취되었다.
1996.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper presents a robot simulator which can automatically generate a smooth collision free path. This simulator has the characterstisc of the object - oriented programming which is coded in Borland C+ +. Using General Inverse Algorithm, the inverse kinematics solutions of any kind of robots can be found generally. This simulator also uses Bezier Functions for the description of a smooth collision - free path. In addition, GUI(Graphic User Interface)technique is employed for user's convenience.