Emerging technologies are innovative technologies currently under development or in the early stages of introduction. These technologies have the potential to impact a wide range of industries and sectors significantly and may, therefore, be subject to export controls. The list of emerging technologies subject to export controls varies from country to country and constantly changes as new technologies are developed. For example, the U.S., EU, and South Korea have responded to these changes by adding software and technologies related to artificial intelligence and machine learning to their export control lists. Nevertheless, export control of emerging technologies still presents challenges and limitations. The rapid pace of technological advancement makes it difficult for export control regulations to keep up. For export control purposes, international cooperation on information sharing and control methods is necessary for most countries to control similar items. Several new technologies in the nuclear field may be subject to export controls. These technologies include advanced reactors, nuclear fuel cycle technologies, and nuclear waste management technologies. Small modular reactors (SMRs) and fourth-generation reactors are being developed as advanced technologies, and new technologies are being developed to improve the nuclear fuel cycle. There is also active development of technologies for space applications utilizing nuclear reactors, such as the Nuclear Thermal Propulsion System and the Nuclear Electric Propulsion System. As these technologies may include new systems and items not in existing export control, they may pose a proliferation risk or may include software design know-how for advanced materials, it is necessary to consider whether and how they should be subject to export control to prevent nuclear proliferation. Overall, export controls are an essential issue in the emerging technology and nuclear energy sectors. Countries are moving toward strengthening regulations and international cooperation to overcome these challenges and ensure safe technology transfer, and South Korea should actively participate and lead this trend.
본 논문에서는 에너지 섹터의 혁신성 제고를 위한 리빙랩(Living Labs) 활용 전 략 수립에 관한 탐색적 분석 연구를 수행하였다. 기존 연구문헌을 통해 이론적 배경이 되는 리 빙랩의 개념, 필수 구성요소, 혁신성 특성과 에너지 섹터의 혁신 이슈 유형을 확인할 수 있었 다. 이를 토대로 리빙랩 필수 구성요소의 맞춤형 전략 수립과 혁신성 제고와의 연관성, 에너지 섹터에서의 혁신 이슈에 대한 접근으로 리빙랩 활용 가능성에 대해 에너지 리빙랩 사례 연구 (해외 8건, 국내 1건)을 통해 분석되었다. 연구 결과, 리빙랩 필수 구성요소의 맞춤형 전략 수립 이 혁신성 제고에 동인으로 작용 될 수 있으며, 리빙랩이 에너지 섹터의 혁신 이슈(수요관리, 공급기술, 기술사업화 촉진 및 수용성, 기술정책)에 대한 접근 방법론으로 효과적으로 활용 될 수 있음을 확인되었다. 사례연구 결과 기반으로 혁신성 기여 관점에서 리빙랩 사례별 동인을 도출하고 에너지 혁신이슈별 리빙랩 활용 전략을 수립하였다. 본 연구는 에너지 섹터에서의 혁 신이슈에 대한 접근으로 리빙랩 모델의 활용 전략과 그 가치에 대한 탐색적, 기술적 분석 연구로서 종래에 시도되지 않았던 리빙랩 활용 전략 프레임워크를 제공할 수 있고, 에너지 리빙랩 활성화와 네트워크 형성에도 기여될 수 있다는 점에서 학술적· 실용적· 정책적 함의가 있다고 볼 수 있다.
This study estimates the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions from energy sector of Changwon city from 2012 to 2020 and scenario analysis of GHGs reductions pathways in the context of the goal of 2030 NDC and 2050 carbon neutral scenario in Korea. As a result, the GHG emissions as a reference year of carbon neutral in 2018 were estimated as 8,872,641 tonCO2eq accounting for 3,851,786 tonCO2eq (43.6%) of direct source (scope 1) and 4,975,855 tonCO2eq (56.4%) of indirect source (scope 2). Especially, among indirect sources as purchased electricity, manufacturing sector emitted the largest GHG accounting for 33.0%(2,915 thousands tonCO2eq) of the total emissions from all energy sectors, scenario analysis of GHG reductions potential from the energy was analyzed 8,473,614 tonCO2eq and the residual emissions were 354,027 tonCO2eq. Purchased electricity and industry sector reducted the largest GHG accounting for 58.7%(4,976 thousands tonCO2eq) and 42.1%(3,565 thousands tonCO2eq) of the total emissions from all energy sectors, respectively.
This study aims to discuss measures to combat climate change pertaining to the waste sectors in the EU and Japan.The EU aims to secure 20% of its total energy consumed from renewable sources and to reduce the emission of greenhousegases by 20% by 2020. This study investigated the amount of waste-based energy produced and confirmed that it makesa significant contribution to renewable energy sources. The amount of energy produced differs according to the type ofwaste utilized and the size (population) of the country and these factors should be taken into account when establishingresponse measures. In Japan, policies have been introduced to promote the recovery of energy and to reduce the greenhousegases emitted by incinerators. In particular, the country has been promoting a high level of efficiency by differentiatingthe government subsidy funding according to the energy recovery rate. This study confirmed that the utilization of wasteresource energy has made a significant contribution to reducing the emission of greenhouse gases in the member countriesof the EU and in Japan. Korea needs to establish similar policies to increase the contribution of energy from wasteresources in the future.
This study analyzed the effect of Greenhouse of wood pellet fuel conversing from Diesel. Analyzed through a life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of carbon dioxide for the environmental assessment, In evaluation of the Ministry of the Environment, analyzed through the life cycle assessment of carbon dioxide emissions of the greenhouse gas and, In the case of economic evaluation, we analyzed the investment payback period to the total revenue generated by each of the calculated incentive based on the RHI and institutions reduction projects a reduction of costs associated with the reduction of fuel costs.
Purpose – The paper analyzes basic indicators characterizing the volume of energy sector activity in the Russian Federation, Privolzhsky Federal district, Republic of Tatarstan.
Research design, data, and methodology – The study analyzed data from the Privolzhsky Federal district, specifically, industrial production volume, electricity production, energy consumption, energy-balance data, capital investments, and capital investment structure. An array of data has been investigated in recent years. The dataset’s dynamics were analyzed in 1998. Fixed capital investment dynamics were studied in 1946 the figures were converted to a comparable form using the index method. Trends were analyzed using multivariate statistics methods and the Statgraphics software package.
Results – Hypothesis 1. There are sectoral disproportions in energy flows,taking into account the volume of electricity production and consumption. Trends in electricity production in general coincide with industrial production volume trends. Energy flows have disparities in individual territorial units, and in general. Hypothesis 2. The degree of sectoral economic stability decreases with insufficient levels of investment in fixed capital energy organizations.
Conclusions – Because totalelectricity production is largely determined by fixed capital investments, the study of their trends and patterns will coordinate efforts on investment operations in this area.