항만 내 선박과 부두의 사고를 예방하기 위하여 통항 및 접안 안전성 평가를 통하여 안전한 부두가 건설되어 관리하고 있으나, 선 박의 접안 및 계류 과정에서 선박이 부두에 충돌하거나 로프로 인한 인명사고의 발생 등 예측할 수 없는 사고들이 종종 발생한다. 자동계류장 치는 선박의 신속하고 안전한 계류를 위한 자동화된 시스템으로 로봇 매니퓰레이터와 흡착 패드로 구성된 탈/부착 메커니즘을 가지고 있다. 본 논문은 자동계류장치의 흡착 패드의 위치 및 속도제어에 필요한 선체와의 변위 및 속도 측정 시스템을 다룬다. 자동계류장치에 적합한 측 정 시스템을 설계하기 위하여, 본 논문은 우선 센서의 성능 및 실외 환경적 특성 분석을 수행한다. 다음으로 이러한 분석 결과를 토대로 실외 부두환경에서 설치되는 자동계류장치에 적합한 변위 및 속도 측정시스템의 구성 및 설계 방법에 대해 기술한다. 또한 센서의 측정상태 감지 및 속도 추정을 위한 알고리즘을 제시한다. 제안된 방법은 다양한 속도 구간에서의 변위 및 속도 측정 실험을 통해 그 유용성을 검증한다.
In this study, the environmental consciousness of Daegu citizen on conservation planning considering the regional characteristics was investigated. Data were collected throughout a survey and 1400 people were selected using a stratified sampling method based on populations of Daegu administration district. Results wee followings; First, the levels of environmental consciousness were different dependent on districts’ characteristics. Second, poor awareness on Daegu Agenda 21 (Clear and Green Daegu 21) were shown. Daegu Agenda 21 is the action plan for the sustainable environmental conservation activities of the City of Daegu. Third, waste was the most serious environmental problems of Daegu , air quality was second worst, and third was river water quality from the survey, but differentiated awareness was shown dependent on regional spatial factors and pollution emission factors. Last, a public environmental education was the most important issue to make invigorations and progress for future environmental policy.
Emissions of leachate, odor, and landfill gas(LFG) from an open-dumping landfill site do harm to public health by contaminating neighboring soil, underground water, and rivers. Particularly, methane(CH4) and carbon dioxide(CO2), the main components of LFG, are especially noted as the causing material of the global warming that become seriously recognized worldwide issue.
As one of alternatives in managing LFG, incineration of inflammable wastes that are generated during excavation process at an open-dumping landfill has been evaluated.
Standard on stabilization for evaluation, neither CH4 density nor CO2 density could not Because meet 'less than 5%' criterion and so it is right to install a gas collection system during landfill renewal to prevent diffusion of odor and collect it.
Because it shows considerable heating value, incineration of inflammable wastes might be the reasonable solution from the result of our study.
The interaction of mastoparan B, a cationic tetradecapeptide amide isolated from the hornet Vespa basalis, with phospholipid bilayers was studied with synthetic mastoparan B and its analogue with Ala instead of hydrophobic 12th amino acid residue in mastoparan B. MP-B and its derivative, [12-Ala]MP-B were synthesized by the solid-phase peptide synthesis method. MP-B and its analogue, [12-Ala]MP-B adopted an unordered structure in buffer solution. In the presence of neutral and acidic liposomes, the peptides took an α-helical structure. The two peptides interacted with neutral and acidic lipid bilayers. These results indicated that the hydrophobic face in the amphipathic α-helix of MP-B critically affected the biological activity and helical content.