
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The service setting is more than ever dynamic. Customers’ engagement is changing due to the multiple interactions at different levels of the consumption experience journey. The customer as an active and engaged value co-creator raises new challenges to theory and practice. However, the connection between engagement and co-creation is scarce in the literature. The experience of the active hotel customer occurs through customer engagement with internal actors and factors from prepurchase through to post-purchase. Since value co-creation results from the engagement of multiple factors and actors (f/actors) in the process, it is essential to understand the actors’ activities that promote or obstruct this process. This paper proposes a connection between customer engagement (CE) and value co-creation framework to ascertain and depict the internal actors’ activities and factors that foster or hinder customers’ experience in the hotel industry. The researchers used qualitative methods (35 in-depth interviews, document analysis and 4 observation sessions) in seven regions in Ghana to explore the customer’s perspective. Data was analysed with Nvivo11, within a thematic analysis framework. Findings suggest that customer’s engagement within the hotel environment with multiple actors has an influence on customer value co-creation/destruction process. It found that positive and negative engagement fosters/hinders guests’ interactions which lead to value cocreation/ destruction. The research also discovered that negative interactions occasioned by any factor/actor triggers value destruction at multiple stages of the experience journey. The study suggests theoretical and managerial implications focused on the actors’ practices that foster or hinder customer engagement and value co-creation.
        1985.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        화본과(禾本科) 및 두과사료작물(荳科飼料作物)의 단파(單播)와 혼파(混播)에서 중질소(重窒素)를 시용(施用)하여 시비질소(施肥窒素)의 작물별(作物別) 건물수량(乾物收量), 총질소함량(總窒素含量), 비료유내질소율(肥料由來窒素率), 토양중(土壤中) 유효질소량 등을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 건물수량(乾物收量)에 대(對)한 질소시비효과는 orchardgrass에서만 높이 인정(認定)되었고 alfalfa와 birdsfoot treoil은
        2016.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to determine the F0-values of a retort machine at different locations and to evaluate the effects of these F0-values on various quality characteristics of retorted Samgyetang samples. Samples were divided into three groups based on F0-values-T1, 10~20; T2, 20~30; T3, >30. Mineral content in Samgyetang broth and breast meat mostly increased with increasing F0-values. In general, the free amino acid values, hardness, and springiness, except for bone springiness, of Samgyetang decreased significantly at higher F0-values. Protein content of meat and broth of the treated samples were significantly lower than that of the control. An increase in the digestion rate of meat and porridge, as well as the turbidity of the broth was observed in most of the treated samples with increasing F0-values. With increasing F0-values, the L* and b* values of meat and the b* values of broth tended to increase, while the a* value of broth increased significantly. Electronic nose analysis revealed different flavor patterns for samples treated at different F0-values. For sensory traits, samples treated with higher F0-values tended to receive lower evaluations. Particularly, the color and texture of T3 samples were lower than those of T1 and T2 samples. In conclusion, to improve the quality of Samgyetang, the efficiency and optimization of retort machines as well as the standardization of sterilization techniques are needed.