사회기반 시설물의 노후화에 대응해 이상 징후를 파악하고 유지보수를 위한 최적의 의사결정을 내리기 위해선 디지털 기반 SOC 시설물 유지관리 시스템의 개발이 필수적인데, 디지털 SOC 시스템은 장기간 구조물 계측을 위한 IoT 센서 시스템과 축적 데이터 처 리를 위한 클라우드 컴퓨팅 기술을 요구한다. 본 연구에서는 구조물의 다물리량을 장기간 측정할 수 있는 IoT센서와 클라우드 컴퓨팅 을 위한 서버 시스템을 개발하였다. 개발 IoT센서는 총 3축 가속도 및 3채널의 변형률 측정이 가능하고 24비트의 높은 해상도로 정밀 한 데이터 수집을 수행한다. 또한 저전력 LTE-CAT M1 통신을 통해 데이터를 실시간으로 서버에 전송하여 별도의 중계기가 필요 없 는 장점이 있다. 개발된 클라우드 서버는 센서로부터 다물리량 데이터를 수신하고 가속도, 변형률 기반 변위 융합 알고리즘을 내장하 여 센서에서의 연산 없이 고성능 연산을 수행한다. 제안 방법의 검증은 2개소의 실제 교량에서 변위계와의 계측 결과 비교, 장기간 운 영 테스트를 통해 이뤄졌다.
In this study, AlSi10Mg alloy powders are synthesized using gas atomization and sieving processes for powder bed fusion (PBF) additive manufacturing. The effect of nozzle diameter (ø = 4.0, 4.5, 5.0 and 8.0 mm) on the gas atomization and sieving size on the properties of the prepared powder are investigated. As the nozzle diameter decreases, the size of the manufactured powder decreases, and the uniformity of the particle size distribution improves. Therefore, the ø 4.0 mm nozzle diameter yields powder with superior properties. Spherically shaped powders can be prepared at a scale suitable for the PBF process with a particle size distribution of 10–45 μm. The Hausner ratio value of the powder is measured to be 1.24. In addition, the yield fraction of the powder prepared in this study is 26.6%, which is higher than the previously reported value of 10–15%. These results indicate that the nozzle diameter and the post-sieve process simultaneously influence the shape of the prepared powder as well as the satellite powder on its surface.
A well-established characterization method is required in powder bed fusion (PBF) metal additive manufacturing, where metal powder is used. The characterization methods from the traditional powder metallurgy process are still being used. However, it is necessary to develop advanced methods of property evaluation with the advances in additive manufacturing technology. In this article, the characterization methods of powders for metal PBF are reviewed, and the recent research trends are introduced. Standardization status and specifications for metal powder for the PBF process which published by the ISO, ASTM, and MPIF are also covered. The establishment of powder characterization methods are expected to contribute to the metal powder industry and the advancement of additive manufacturing technology through the creation of related databases.
Although there are several methods for establishment of stem cell line, most of them has critical limit such as, ethical problem and infectious concern. Accordingly, we investigated the cell fusion technique as a new tool to establish a stem cell line. We cultured mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) and somatic cells. Then, these two type cells were fused by electro cell fusion that consist of three steps (AC→DC→AC). The fused cells were individually transferred into a 96-well plate and cultured in ESC culture medium for 6 ~ 7 days. Newly formed colonies were evaluated several analysis methods like morphology, alkaline phosphatase (AP) activities, expression of pluripotency marker genes and proteins, and karyotyping. The fusion efficiency from the ESC and somatic cell into colony formation was about 0.3 ~ 0.5 %. The electro cell fused (EF) new stem cell colonies (EF-SC1 ~ 4) were indicated normally round-shape morphology similarly to ESC colonies and each colonies were expressed green fluorescent protein that having somatic cells. Also, all EF-SC groups were highly expressed AP activity and pluripotency marker proteins, POU5f1, NANOG, SOX-2 and SSEA-1. In the transcription levels, all EF-SC groups were significantly higher level of expression in Pou5f1 and Nanog compared to donor cells (ESC and somatic cell) (p<0.05). In particular, the level of Pou5f1 expression was about 2-folds higher in EF-SC2 and EF-SC3 groups than in control and EF-SC1 groups (p<0.05). Also, the level of Nanog expression was very significantly higher in EF-SC2 group (3.5-folds) compared to control ESC group, and the expression levels among treatment groups were variable (ESC<EF-SC1<EF-SC4<EF-SC3<EF-SC2, p<0.05). In karyotype analysis, the results of EF-SC2 and EF-SC3 were presented the same that of ESC, while that of EF-SC1 and EF-SC4 shown aneuploid mutation in chromosome 8. Taken together, these results demonstrate that electro cell fusion technique can be used as a new method to establish of stem cell lines.
The conversion of coal fly ash into zeolites contributes to the mitigation of environmental problems and turns this by-product into useful material. In this work, zeolitic sorbents for CO2 adsorption were prepared by waste fly ash from Boryeong coal power plants through the alkali fusion method including hydrothermal treatment at various ratios of NaOH/FA and NaAlO2/FA. In addition, in order to improve the adsorption capacity for CO2 molecules a few metal cations were impregnated into the synthesized zeolitic sorbents through the ion exchange. The fusion step could decompose the fly ash to very small amorphous particulate zeolite forms. The fly ash was converted into Na-P1 type with 0.5 NaOH/FA and Na-A type from the ratio of 0.53, NaAlO2/FA. Although the crystallinity of Na-A increased with increasing temperature, Na-A was transformed into sodalite at 140℃. Thus, the optimum reaction temperature was determined to be 100℃. Alkali metal and alkaline earth metal cations were impregnated into the synthesized zeolite Na-P1 and Na-A through ion exchanged method. The completed zeolitic sorbents were applied to adsorption the CO2. As a result of the examination, Ca2+ was found to be the best for CO2 adsorption owing to its electrostatic interactions and acid-base surface properties.
본 연구는 한우 성체 유래 귀세포(Korean bovine ear skin fibroblasts, KbESF)와 태아 섬유아세포(Korean bovine fetal fibroblasts, KbFF)를 이용한 체세포 복제(SCNT) 시 세포종류, 배양기간 그리고 융합방법이 핵이식 수정란의 발달에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 실시하였다. 태아 섬유아세포는 임신 51일령의 한우태아에서 분리하였고, 귀세포는 28개월령의 성우의 귀에서 채취하였다. 세포는 15주 동안 체외에서 배양하며 체세포 핵이식(SCNT)에 공시하였다. 융합방법을 비교하기 위해 챔버방법과 전극 바늘을 이용한 방법으로 핵과 세포질을 융합하였다. 세포의 doubling time은 KbFF에서 17.3시간, KbESF에서 24.3시간으로 나타났다. 핵이식 후 융합과 분할율은 needle 방법에서 보다 유의적으로 높았으나(각 각 76.1과 81.2%, P<0.05), 배반포 발달율은 차이가 없었다. KbESF의 경우, 배반포 발달율은 passage 5~9(39.4%)와 13~15(40.4%)에서 passage 1~4에 비하여 유의적으로 높았다(P<0.05). KbFF의 경우, 융합율은 passage 5~8과 13~15에서 각각 75.0 및 76.8%로 passage 1~4(61.5%)보다 높았으나, 난분할율과 배반포 발달율은 차이가 없었다. 결론적으로, SCNT 수정란의 발달은 융합 방법에 의해 영향을 받을 수 있으나, 계대배양 15회까지 장기배양을 한 경우는 복제수정란의 발육에 영향을 주지 않는 것으로 판단된다.
In this study, zeolitic materials at Na2CO3/CFA ratio of 0.6 1.8 were synthesized from coal fly ash from a thermal power plant using a fusion/hydrothermal method. The zeolitic materials were found to have cubic crystals structure and X-ray diffraction (XRD) peaks of Na-A zeolite by XRD and SEM analysis. When the zeolitic materials were synthesized from the coal fly ash, the XRD peaks of the zeolitic materials at Na2CO3/CFA ratios of 0.9-1.8 had the same location as the XRD peaks of commercial Na-A zeolite. The XRD peaks of the Na-A zeolite (Na12Al12Si12O4827.4H2O) were confirmed in the 2θ in the range of 7.18-34.18. However, it was also confirmed that peaks of CaCO3, an impurity inhibiting synthesis of Na-A zeolite from CaO and Na2CO3 in the coal fly ash, occurred in the XRD peaks of the zeolitic materials at Na2CO3/CFA ratio of 1.5-1.8. The crystallinities of the zeolitic materials tended to increase gradually within the Na2CO3/CFA ratio range of 0.6-1.8.
실제증발산 자료를 융합하기 위한 Modified Kling-Gupta efficiency Fusion (KGF)방법을 제시하였고, 인공위성 및 재분석 증발산 자료인 Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS), Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM), MODIS Global Evapotranspiration Project (MOD16)를 활용하여 Simple Taylor skill’s Score (STS)와 비교하였다. 한반도와 중국의 세가지 land cover type(i.e., cropland, grassland, forest)을 가진 flux tower에서 비교 검증을 실시하였다. 실제증발산의 융합 방법인 STS와 KGF로 계산된 가중치의 결과를 확인하면, cropland와 grassland에서 재분석 자료(GLDAS, GLEAM)가 높은 가중치 영향을 나타내지만, forest에서 융합 방법에 따라 가중치 영향이 다르게 나타났다. 전반적으로 실제증발산 융합 방법 적용 결과의 비교에서는 cropland에서는 융합에 사용된 자료에 비하여 높은 개선이 이뤄지지 않았지만, grassland와 forest 에서는 개선이 이뤄졌다. 두 방법 중 KGF의 결과가 STS의 결과에 비하여 약간 개선되는 결과를 나타내었다