금강 수계에 위치한 구룡산, 전월산, 사마산, 용머리산, 함라산의 관속식물상을 파악하고 보존대책을 제시하기 위하여 자생식물에 대한 방문조사를 실시하였다. 조사는 2007년 5월부터 2008년 4월까지 17회 수행하였으며, 조사지역 내에 자생하는 식물을 채집 동정하고 목록을 작성하였다. 목록을 바탕으로 한국특산종 및 법적보호종(멸종위기종, 보호종, 천연기념물)의 분포 현황 및 생태계 위협종 등의 분포 상황을 파악하였다. 조사지역 중 구룡산의 관속식물은 7
This study, in order to complement instability of analysis result stemming from the choice between reference point and comparison point which is pointed out as the defect of shift-share analysis, conducted shift-share analysis using Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) trend of Geumgang area, Chungcheongnam-do for the period from 2000 to 2011. As a result of the analysis, ➀ industries that had both the positive Regional Share Effect (RSE) and Industrial Mixed Effect (IME) were service industries such as manufacturing industry, electricity gas, transportation industry, art, etc., which are positively influencing the regional industry. ➁ industries that had both the negative RSE and IME were other service industries such as wholesale and retail businesses, lodging industry, food industry, real estate business and leasing service, business service industry, public administration, etc., which provide basic livelihood services for the residents. ➂ industries that had the positive RSE and negative IME were agriculture, forestry and fishery industry, mining industry, construction industry, and educational service industry. ➃ industries that had the negative RSE and positive IME were info-communications industry, financial and insurance businesses, health industry, etc.