
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2015.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper introduces a graphical user interface design that is aimed to apply to the surveillance and security robot, which is the pilot program for the army unmanned light combat vehicle. It is essential to consider the activities of robot users under the changing security environment in order to design the efficient graphical user interface between user and robot to accomplish the designated mission. The proposed design approach firstly identifies the user activities to accomplish the mission in the standardized scenarios of military surveillance and security operation and then develops the hierarchy of the interface elements that are required to execute the tasks in the surveillance and security scenarios. The developed graphical user interface includes input control component, navigation component, information display component, and accordion and verified by the potential users from the various skilled levels with the military background. The assessment said that the newly developed user interface includes all the critical elements to execute the mission and is simpler and more intuitive compared to the legacy interface design that was more focused on the technical and functional information and informative to the system developing engineers rather than field users.