We conducted a study on the possibility of using the power plant's thermal effluent system by using a heating system to utilize the thermal effluent from Jeju Power Headquarters of KOMIPO. In this study, growth information such as the size, leaf area, fresh weight and dry weight of subtropical persimmon fruit (A) in the facility cultivation complex were measured. In the comparison group (B), the growth information of the same crop was measured and compared in an unheated greenhouse near Harye-ri, Namwon-eup, Seogwipo. Fruit size was measured at monthly intervals, and leaf area, fresh weight, and dry weight were measured at new shoot season. Measurement results of A and B growth information, 1) Fruit diameter & length, A grew 7.3% and 9.4% than B, 2) Leaf area, A grew 4.7% than B, 3) Fresh weight, the decrease was 8.9%, but the dry weight was 3.6%, indicating that A contains more nutrients than B. Therefore, if the heating control by supplying thermal effluent to the facility greenhouse, it can contribute to reducing the energy cost and improving quality.
The purpose of this study is to develop the growth prediction model that can predict growth and development information influencing on the production of citrus fruits. The growth model was developed to predict the floralleaf ratio, number of fruit sets, fruit width, and overweight fruits depending on the main period of growth and development by considering the weather factors because the fruit production is influenced by weather depending on the growth and development period. To predict the outdoor-grown citrus fruit production, the investigation result for the standard farms is used as the basic data; in this study, we also understood that the influence of weather factors on the citrus fruit production based on the data from 2004 to 2013 of the outdoor-grown citrus fruit observation report in which the standard farms were targeted by the Agricultural Research Service and suggested the growth and development information prediction model with the weather information as an independent variable to build the observation model. The growth and development model for outdoor-grown citrus fruits was assumed by using the Ordinary Least Square method (OLS), and the developed growth prediction model can make a prediction in advance with the weather factors prior to the observation investigation for the citrus fruit production. To predict the growth and development information of the production of citrus fruits having a great ripple effect as a representative crop in Jeju agriculture, the prediction result regarding the production applying the weather factors depending on growth and development period could be applied usefully.
The paper aims to examine the association between information and communication technology (ICT), economic growth and population health based on health production model in Malaysia. This theoretical health production function is represented as follows: where the output is an individual health outcome, and the inputs are determinants of health, such as income, education, health care costs, medical facilities, the environment, and lifestyle. The development of information and communication technologies are represented as of mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100) and fixed telephone subscriptions (100) using time series data from 1993–2017 from the World Bank database. Using the bound testing technique of cointegration, this study finds that ICT affects population health significantly and positively in the long- and short-run. This is because ICT inclusion improves human health and longevity. Whereas, economic growth has no significant impact on the population‟s health both in the short- and long-run. The findings indicate that a weak global economy affects Malaysia‟s economic growth and reduces the health expenditure per capita. The results of this study suggest that policymakers must develop policies that improves public health by increasing health literacy, disseminating health information and facilitating medical facilities. This study also suggests that health care systems should to concentrate on digital inclusion.
Purpose - This research is aimed to investigate the impact of the Information and Communication Technology (hereinafter ICT) development index and ICT investment on Indonesian economic growth.
Research design, data and methodology - The data used consist of ICT development index, government expenditure on ICT sector, and economic growth from 33 provinces in Indonesia from 2012 to 2015. Based on the Networked Readiness Index published by the World Economic Forum (WEF), Indonesia was ranked 80th among 142 countries in 2012 and had climbed 64th in 2014. This indicates that the businesses in Indonesia have adopted ICTs to increase productivity and expand their activities. Panel data regression analysis is performed to reveal the change of the impact over time in each of the provinces.
Result - The ICT development index and government expenditure for ICT have a positive effect on the economic growth of all provinces, although the impact is different in each of the provinces. There is a digital gap between the provinces, especially the large digital gap occurring with DKI Jakarta. The provinces of Eastern Indonesia such as NTT and Papua are still relatively slow in development of ICT.
Conclusions - ICT development index and allocation of local government expenditure for ICT have significant effect on economic growth. ICT development index has a bigger role in increasing economic growth.
This study suggests the yield forecast models for autumn chinese cabbage and radish using crop growth and development information. For this, we construct 24 alternative yield forecast models and compare the predictive power using root mean square percentage errors. The results shows that the predictive power of model including crop growth and development informations is better than model which does not include those informations. But the forecast errors of best forecast models exceeds 5%. Thus it is important to establish reliable data and improve forecast models.
The paper deals with the impact of the product distribution and information technology sectors on energy resource use, carbon emissions and economic growth by examining the long-run equilibrium relationships and Granger causal relationships among these variables in South Korea. The quarterly time series data from the first quarter of 1970 to the third quarter of 2010 (163 observations) are collected and retrieved from the Bank of Korea database. The paper examines the long-run equilibrium relationships using cointegration techniques and Granger causality using vector error correction models. Test results indicate a long-run equilibrium relationship exists among these variables. In testing directional causality, both the product distribution and the information technology sectors show direct effects on economic growth but only marginal effects on carbon emissions.