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        검색결과 3

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study systematically analyzed the causes of recurring electric shock accidents using accident analysis techniques and attempted to suggest implications for accident prevention. 124 electrocution death accidents that occurred from 2017 to 2022 were analyzed and classified into four factors(organizational influence, unsafe supervision, preconditions for unsafe acts, and unsafe acts) using the HFACS technique. As a result, First, in terms of organizational influence, many issues related to organizational processes were found, and the main causes were the lack of a safety management manual for electrical work, the lack of risk assessment, and the lack of safety procedures for electrical work. Second, in terms of unsafe supervision, the main causes were inappropriate operations such as not assigning a work supervisor during work or the lack of actual management and supervision. Third, in terms of preconditions for unsafe acts, the main causes were physical and technical problems such as not performing power outage work or not taking protective measures for live parts. Fourth, in terms of unsafe acts, the main causes were analyzed to be violations of safety procedures such as workers mistaking a power outage or not recognizing a current leakage condition, making a wrong judgment of the situation, and shortening the work time and working without safety measures for work convenience. Additionally, when examining whether the personal characteristics of those who died from electric shock had significant differences in unsafe behaviors, it was confirmed that there were significant differences in violations or decision-making errors depending on the industry and electrical-related major.
        2008.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we propose the application of the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System(HFACS) to analyze an aircraft accident data. HFACS is a general human error framework originally developed and tested within the U.S military as a tool for investigating and analyzing the human causes of aviation accidents. It was examined that HFACS reliably accommodate all human causal factors associated with the commercial accidents. We found that the HFACS could be used as a reliable tool for investigating aircraft accidents including a single accident analysis.