
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The oriental fruit flies, Bactrocera doralis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), a tropical pest, have recently been expanded to temperate region neighboring with Korea, with increasing international trade and global climate change. The biological data of several B. dorsalis complex was collected, and the establishment potential in Korea was examined using ecoclimatic index and population model results obtained from CLIMEX and Popmodel, respectively. In the CLIMEX, B. dorsalis could be established in the small part of Jeju Island in the 2010s, and the range gradually spread until the 2090s, and many parts of the lowland of Jeju Island were assigned in the marginal to optimal range. Using the population model and the temporal distribution of the host fruits, it was found that B. dorsalis can use a variety of host plants without time lag, allowing them to increase its population and to damage citrus, the main crop of Jeju.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Riptortus pedestris (Hemiptera: Alydidae) is known to occur in barley field during spring. But, it is unlikely that R. pedestris can find host resource to reproduce in the spring season. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the reproduction of R. pedestris population collected from field from March to September. Riptortus pedestris were collected at intervals of three days from 15th of each month. Females of R. pedestris collected from trap were provided with just water in a breeding dish, and eggs laid were collected daily. Quality of R. pedestris eggs at each month was also evaluated by providing them as host resource to two egg parasitoids. The collected eggs were divided into three groups and tested for hatchability and parasitism by two egg parasitoids, respectively. As a result, R. pedestris population collected in March and April did not reproduce, and fecundity and proportion of reproduced females were the highest in August. But, neither hatchability nor parasitism rate of R. pedestris eggs show significant difference among the sampling months. In conclusion, R. pedestris starts to reproduce from May, and fecundity reaches highest on August. No change in egg quality was found among the study periods.