Since the publication of Erwin Panofsky's Studies in Iconology in 1939, the controversial term 'iconology' has replaced the conventional term iconography as a new art historical methodology. However, Panofsky's real legacy lies not in the invention of a new methodology, but in the popularization of art history by applying simple terms and a synoptical table of 'iconological interpretation.' Panofsky's concept of iconology was inherited from that of Aby Warburg who extended the methodological boundary of the study of art while focusing on the complexities of social context in the 1910s. By adopting the old term 'iconology' used in a study of artistic symbolism, Warburg coined the term 'ikonologische Analyse,' to explain his method of analyzing visual motifs in connection with social life outside art. Panofsky contributed to popularizing an art historical methodology, with which to interpret visual motifs through a systematic strategy of relating images to concepts, which follows a simple process from 'pre-iconographical description' through 'iconographical analysis' to 'iconological interpretation'. While adapting himself as an immigrant art historian to the unfamiliar academic atmosphere in the Unites States, Panofsky endeavored to make his theory of iconology more lucid and accessible to a general audience. By using major technical terms in English instead of German that conveys a multitude of meanings, Panofsky was able to popularize his art historical methodology. Panofsky's writings made a significant contribution to a shift in art history from an academic discipline to a new object of public interest in the 20th century.
Sosaewon and Villa D’este were built in the early of 16th and mid-of 16th each. Sosaewon was built based on the accommodation of topography of the surroundings whilst Villa D’este highlights the distinction of terrace and axis existed on the configuration of the grounds and natures. Both gardens have reflected the social and political influence in that period of constructing tat the builders had been through. These factors have been analyzed by iconological methodology to interpret the inherent meaning of the garden in philosophical, mythological, religious and Feng-shui context and discovered the interconnected relations between two gardens. The characteristic of Sosaewon’s space is based on the Mu-yi-gu-gok, which is derived from a Taoist, due to a builder’s Neo-Confucianism value. Hence Sosaewon contains the adaption of the nature itself based on the values of Mu-yi-gu-gok, which are expressed by visual, auditory and literary elements, brining about the poetic beauty of waiting. The structures of Villa D’este reveal the combination of nature and art whilst it also connotes the theme of ‘The Choice of Hercules’, indicating the builder’s philosophy and will symbolically. Each space of Villa D’este has diverse space for various interpretations followed by this theme. For the interpretation of meaning of Sosaewon and Villa D’este, Sosaewon has adapted the nature of surroundings which contain a view of nature, on the other hand, Villa D’este borrowed the nature of surroundings to build and decorate the garden, using natural terrace and axis for the variation, and drag the river near the garden artificially to fit into the axis of the garden. Villa D’este contains significant mythological and iconological factor intended to highlight the builder’s dignity, status and position.