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        검색결과 65

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 고전기 아테네 도기에 대한 미술사학자들과 고고학자들의 관점과 접근 방법이 ‘도기화’의 조형 양식과 주제에 대한 탐구로부터 시장 가치와 사회적 기능에 대한 문 화적 맥락 탐구로 전환되어 온 양상을 고찰한다. 20세기 초 존 D. 비즐리와 에드몬드 포티 에가 시작한 자료 집체 작업으로부터 고전기 그리스 세계에서 아테네산 적회식 도기의 시장 가격, 유통과 소비 양상, 도공과 도기화가의 제조 공방의 운영 양상 등에 대한 동시대 쟁점 들은 고대 그리스 회화 장식도기 연구에서 미술사적 패러다임이 어떻게 작용했는지, 그리고 사회적 맥락에 대한 기초 자료의 필요성이 어떻게 증대되었는지 보여준다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to manufacture a mask to prepare for infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and yellow dust, it is manufactured through the process of input, fusion, cutting, band attachment, defect inspection, and packaging. Domestic mask producers introduced Chinese facilities to keep up with explosive demand due to the rapid spread of COVID-19 in 2020, but serious problems arise in durability. Therefore, domestic processing and tooling companies have developed and supplied molds, but since supply is not smooth compared to demand, research on the development of mask molds with durability reliability is urgently needed to supply masks stably. This technology development aims to supply a mask with excellent quality to a market by applying dots capable of welding and re-painting to a mold for cutting applied to a mask manufacturing process and developing dots optimized for paper angles.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        크노소스는 고대와 현대의 역사적 층위가 공존하는 기념비적 공간으로서, 문화유산의 보존과 운용에 대한 다양한 쟁점들을 내포하고 있다. 에번스가 추진했던 ‘재구성’ 작업은 고대 유적의 보존과 보수 뿐 아니라 미노스 문명에 대한 현대 관람자들의 이해와 감상을 북돋우려는 의도가 담겨 있었으며, 일반 관람자들이 보다 쉽게 고대 미노스 문명을 이해하도록 돕기 위한 시각 자료 를 제공하려는 목적이었다. 크노소스 발굴 당시는 서구 사회에서 고대 유적 답사가 대중화되기 시작한 무렵으로, 일반 관람객과 전문 연구자들로 이원화되는 주체들에 대한 지속적 활용 방안이 모색되었다. 에번스 개인에서 아테네 영국연구소로, 그리고 최종적으로는 그리스 정부로 소유권 이 이관되는 과정에서 중점적으로 논의되었던 과제는 바로 이러한 두 가지 역할에 대한 균형적 대응이었다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국사회가 고령사회가 되면서 중장년 근로자가 직면한 근로환경이 변화하고 있다는 점에 주목하여 중장년 근로자의 직무열의에 영향을 주는 요인을 밝히고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 중장년 근로자의 직무열의에 대한 선행변인으로서 직무의 질적 측면에서 역할이 축소된 측면으로 과소직무요구(deficiency of job demand)와, 직무자율성, 그리고 나이 때문에 승진, 교육, 평가 등에서 차별을 받는다고 지각하는 나이차별인식의 영향을 연구하였다. 직무요구-자원(job demand-resource) 모형에서 제시하는 상호작용 패턴에 입각하여, 본 연구에서는 중장년 근로자들이 직무요구가 과소한 상황과 지원적이지 못한 차별적 환경에서 상호작용 패턴은 다를 것으로 예측하고, 세 예측 변인들 간의 삼원상호작용 효과를 검증하였다. 생산직과 사무직 등 다양한 직무에 종사하는 중장년 근로자 394명으로부터 데이터를 수집하였다. 연구결과, 직무열의에 대한 예측변인들의 주효과는 유의하였으며, 세 예측변인 간 유의한 삼원상호작용이 나타났다. 나이차별인식이 낮을수록 과소직무요구와 직무자율성의 상호작용이 강하게 나타났으며, 직무자율성이 높은 경우 직무요구가 적을수록(즉, 과소직무요구) 열의는 떨어진 반면, 직무자율성이 낮은 경우 직무요구가 과소하면 오히려 열의가 높아지는 패턴이 나타났다. 그러나 나이차별인식이 높은 경우에는 직무자율성만 직무열의에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 이론적, 실무적 시사점을 논의하였다.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Complicated crown-root fractures are considered rare occurrences in young permanent dentition; however, they often present complicated and unpredictable treatment options. The most common treatment option for crown-root fractured teeth is reattachment of fractured segment, but if it is thought impossible to maintain, it should be extracted. However, when unfavorable crown-root fracture occurs in the adolescents, extraction of fractured teeth is expected to be poor due to excessive resorption of alveolar and prosthetic replacement cannot be performed immediately, various treatment options should be considered. This report suggests root submergence in the complex crown-root fracture in growing patients is performed and the functional and aesthetic results including preservation of the alveolar bone are obtained.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dentigerous cysts, the most commonly occurring developmental cysts of the jaw, develop in association with impacted teeth. Most dentigerous cysts are solitary. Multiple dentigerous cysts are rare and generally occur in association with a developmental syndrome or systemic disease, such as mucopolysaccharidosis and cleidocranial dysplasia. However, in the absence of a syndrome, occurrence of multiple dentigerous cysts is rare. Development of multiple dentigerous cysts on first molars extremely rare. The purpose of this paper was to report on a nonsyndromic, 8-year-old boy who presented multiple dentigerous cysts on first molars.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 L.B. 알베르티의 회화론을 중심으로 고전 그리스 광학의 전통과 초기 르네상스 선 원근법 이론 사이의 관계를 고찰한다. 선 원근법의 기술적 측면에 초점을 맞추었던 동시대 이론서들과 달리 알베르티의 논문은 수학적 논리가 지닌 형이상학적 가치를 중요하게 다루었는데, 이러한 성격은 유클리드의 광학으로부터 직접적으로 계승되었다고 할 수 있다. 유클리드가 수학적 정의와 명제들로써 증명했던 시각적 세계는 대상과 이미지 사이의 비례적 관계로 이루어진 추상적 공간이었다. 그리고 이러한 추상적 합리성이야말로 알베르티가 자신의 ‘거리점 작도법’의 궁극적인 가치로 주장했던 바로서, 보는 주체와 보여지는 대상 사이의 기하학적 근거에 따라서 실제 세계의 시각 피라미드와 회화 세계의 시각 피라미드를 합치시키고자 했던 것이다
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since the publication of Erwin Panofsky's Studies in Iconology in 1939, the controversial term 'iconology' has replaced the conventional term iconography as a new art historical methodology. However, Panofsky's real legacy lies not in the invention of a new methodology, but in the popularization of art history by applying simple terms and a synoptical table of 'iconological interpretation.' Panofsky's concept of iconology was inherited from that of Aby Warburg who extended the methodological boundary of the study of art while focusing on the complexities of social context in the 1910s. By adopting the old term 'iconology' used in a study of artistic symbolism, Warburg coined the term 'ikonologische Analyse,' to explain his method of analyzing visual motifs in connection with social life outside art. Panofsky contributed to popularizing an art historical methodology, with which to interpret visual motifs through a systematic strategy of relating images to concepts, which follows a simple process from 'pre-iconographical description' through 'iconographical analysis' to 'iconological interpretation'. While adapting himself as an immigrant art historian to the unfamiliar academic atmosphere in the Unites States, Panofsky endeavored to make his theory of iconology more lucid and accessible to a general audience. By using major technical terms in English instead of German that conveys a multitude of meanings, Panofsky was able to popularize his art historical methodology. Panofsky's writings made a significant contribution to a shift in art history from an academic discipline to a new object of public interest in the 20th century.
        2013.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The karyotype of Korean short-hair cat was presented using the G-, C- and NOR- banding techniques. For chromosomes preparation, the fetus skin fibroblast cells were cultured and metaphases were obtained. In results, the Korean short-hair cat had 38 chromosomes with XX or XY, which consisted of 5 pairs of metacentric chromosomes(Group A and C), 3 pairs of submetacentric chromosomes (Group B), 6 pairs of medium metacentric chromosomes except for 1 pair of medium submetacentric D2 chromosomes (Group D, E), 2 pairs of acrocentric chromosomes(Group F) and metacentric X and Y sex chromosomes. In G-banding analysis, the Korean short-hair cat exhibited a typical and identical G-banding pattern in each homologous chromosome. Total number of bands and landmarks on the G-banded chromosomes of Korean short-hair cat well correspond to those of international standardization of karyotype of domestic cat. The heterochromatins of Korean short-hair cat chromosomes distributed at terminal and/or centromere regions on almost chromosomes by C-banding analysis. In addition, the C-banding pattern showed greatly heteromorphic in some chromosomes. Using the AgNOR-staining, we found the nucleolar organizer regions(NORs) of Korean short-hair cat located at chromosomes 1p12 site in E group. The quantity and number of NORs were constant among cells.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The exhibition <Myrtis: Face to Face with the Past> was started in 2010 in the New Acropolis Museum of Athens and embarked a journey since 2011 as a travelling exhibition inside Greece and abroad. The main purpose of the exhibition was to draw attention of the general public to the value of the ‘rescue excavation’ and of cultural heritage of Greece, by presenting the reconstruction bust of a girl whose skull was found in Kerameikos cemetery of ancient Athens. The new Kerameikos excavation was initiated by the construction of Metropolitan Railway lines in the center of Athens between 1992 to 1998. It revealed a pit of a mass burial where about 150 people were inhumed in a very hasty way without proper funeral rites or offerings. These bodies are identified as the victims of the infamous plague of Athens in the first years of the Peloponnesian War(430-426 BC). The epidemic disease killed almost one third of the city population including Pericles, and brought extreme fear and panic to the Athens society. The traditional funerary rites were totally disrupted, and the social decorum and the morality among the citizens became enfeebled. The plague and the civil war were the decisive factors to end the Golden Age of Democratic Athens. However, the exhibition organizers did not focus on the tragic aspect of this disaster and its casualties. Their main concern was to simplify the scholarly works of archaeological excavation and microchemistry analysis so that the exhibition viewers will easily understand and empathize the living value of the scholarly works of ancient Greek civilization. The centripetal element of the exhibition was the vivid face of an 11 years old ancient girl ‘Myrtis’, which was carefully reconstructed based on both the scientific data and artistic imagination. Also the set up of the exhibition was structured in order to stimuli cognitive and emotional experience of the visitors who witnessed the rebirth of a vibrant human being from an ancient debris. The museologists’ continuous efforts to promote projects of contemporary artists, publications, and school programs related to the <Myrtis> exhibition indicate that the ulterior motive of this exhibition is the cultural education of the present and future generation through the intimate experiences of ancient Greek life. Also this is the reason why the various museums that held the travelling exhibition try to make the presentation as a gesture of memorial service for an anonymous Athenian girl who deceased circa 2400 years ago. The pragmatic efforts of Greek scholars and museologists through <Myrtis> exhibition show us a way to find a solution to the continuous threat of cultural resources by massive construction projects and land development, and to overcome public indifference to the history and cultural heritage.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The memory of the Korean War is about the time period when people lived toughly during evacuation, due to being exposed to the natural climate such as intense cold or heat without any protection, leaving their comfortable home and living in temporary built shelters which were barely enough to avoid the wind. ‘Death is concealed and only the figures of evacuation for survival were expressed, just as how the government ordered. Since the experience of the battlefield is personal and fragmentary, that is broken into pieces, it does not have compatibility. As war is a distorted experience that cannot be placed in a big picture, it is not possible to take a view of the war’s big picture. Having this individualized experience as a common collective memory is an issue and it is the will that people tries to pursue. The reason why the evacuees from north to south, and as well as from the south to further south were all able to be adopted as the theme of artworks due to the military action that emptied the occupied territories of the North Korean Army under the forced removal command. In such situations, the natural state of the ‘snow’ was like a symbol of the 1.4 Recession. The group of people who were thrown into the intense cold displaced the war damage of loosing their base livelihood, and symbolized the obedient citizens who faithfully follow their government’s command. The figure of advocating anti-communism is projected as a figure of a refugee during cold winter-time and it contains ones past which he or she obeyed its own country’s commands. Evacuation, especially the evacuation during the winter is a visual device that can confirm these kinds of country’s command. The consequences were same for the artists as well. Therefore, the situation being communal could be found due to the individual experiences during war are ideological. The image of the refuge shown in the picture played the role of strengthening the consciousness of defecting to South Korea into the meaning of the ‘Finding Freedom.’ I would like to express that the reason of them leave their home during the harsh winter is in order to avoid the oppression of the Communist Party. The evacuation that people went through was not to ‘Finding Freedom’, but ‘To Survive’. Later, this evacuation has been imprinted as a behavior of choosing free Republic of Korea, which was an ideological issue. Anti-communism was the rule of survival in South Korea society, and people have the tendency to remember what they want to remember. As it is not the people who possesses an incident, but the memory that possesses ones, people cover their memory with disguised plots in order to forget the violence and to live a different prologue. They share the incident of violence as a hurtful memory. The tragedy of the Korean War was the result of Ideology and being in between the powerful nations’ rights, but the violence during the war has been depicted as a natural disaster, which was the evacuation in heavy snow.
        2011.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 鬼와 畏를 字形․字音․字義세 방면으로 살펴본 후 두 글자가 同源관계에 있다고 주장한다. 字形을 보면 畏는 鬼가 卜이나 攴를 들고 있는 모형 이며, 字音을 보면 畏는 影母微部에 鬼는 見母微部에 속하여 서로 통하고, 字義를 보면 두려워하다는 의미를 지닌 畏는 鬼에서 분화되어 나온 글자이다. 본고는 이에서 한 걸음 더 나아가 鬼와 畏를 音符혹은 意符로 하는 글자들의 공통 의미인 ‘크다’, ‘기이하다’, ‘고르지 않다’ 등의 의미를 도출해낸 후 이러한 연 구 결과와 한자교육과의 접목 필요성에 대해 언급하고 있다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Alberti's De re aedificatoria is the earliest case in the history of Italian Renaissance architectural treatises dealing with recovery of antiquity through textual and archaeological pursuits. The key source of the Renaissance theoreticians was Vitruvius' De architectura. However, Alberti was keenly aware of inaccuracy and Hellenization of Latinity in this classical text, and tried to compensate them in his own treatise. Furthermore he claimed a reformed discipline of the architects as well as the patrons, and prescribed how future buildings and cities should be built, based on the proper authority of ancient architecture in proper and intelligible Latin. Such an adaptation of classical usage in order to reestablish a modern norm preceded in his earlier work Momus, a satire on the contemporary Italian society of his own by following the model of Lucian. Alberti's suggestion of proper government in Momus's phrase was expanded in De re aedificatoria, for he consider the buildings are subject to the rules of morality and public interests. He proclaimed that the nature of beauty is the reasoned harmony of every part within a body, and architectural beauty also lies on the harmonized arrangement of all the elements within an individual building and of all individual buildings and facilities within a city. For the architects to execute this task, he formulated the concept of lineanenta, the form derived from the mind in order to prescribe the proper place, numbers, scale, and orders for whole building structure. It is the future oriented city-plans and building designs to serve the public interest and the good of all the individual citizens who make up the City-State that Alberti pursued in his treatise.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the development of linear perspective, Brook Taylor's theory has achieved a special position. With his method described in Linear Perspective(1715) and New Principles of Linear Perspective(1719), the subject of linear perspective became a generalized and abstract theory rather than a practical method for painters. He is known to be the first who used the term ‘vanishing point’. Although a similar concept has been used form the early stage of Renaissance linear perspective, he developed a new method of British perspective technique of measure points based on the concept of ‘vanishing points’. In the 15th and 16th century linear perspective, pictorial space is considered as independent space detached from the outer world. Albertian method of linear perspective is to construct a pavement on the picture in accordance with the centric point where the centric ray of the visual pyramid strikes the picture plane. Comparison to this traditional method, Taylor established the concent of a vanishing point (and a vanishing line), namely, the point (and the line) where a line (and a plane) through the eye point parallel to the considered line (and the plane) meets the picture plane. In the traditional situation like in Albertian method, the picture plane was assumed to be vertical and the center of the picture usually corresponded with the vanishing point. On the other hand, Taylor emphasized the role of vanishing points, and as a result, his method entered the domain of projective geometry rather than Euclidean geometry. For Taylor's theory was highly abstract and difficult to apply for the practitioners, there appeared many perspective treatises based on his theory in England since 1740s. Joshua Kirby's Dr. Brook Taylor's Method of Perspective Made Easy, Both in Theory and Practice(1754) was one of the most popular treatises among these posterior writings. As a well-known painter of the 18th century English society and perspective professor of the St. Martin's Lane Academy, Kirby tried to bridge the gap between the practice of the artists and the mathematical theory of Taylor. Trying to ease the common readers into Taylor's method, Kirby somehow abbreviated and even omitted several crucial parts of Taylor's ideas, especially concerning to the inverse problems of perspective projection. Taylor's theory and Kirby's handbook reveal us that the development of linear perspective in European society entered a transitional phase in the 18th century. In the European tradition, linear perspective means a representational system to indicated the three-dimensional nature of space and the image of objects on the two-dimensional surface, using the central projection method. However, Taylor and following scholars converted linear perspective as a complete mathematical and abstract theory. Such a development was also due to concern and interest of contemporary artists toward new visions of infinite space and kaleidoscopic phenomena of visual perception.
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