The purpose of this study was to develop a standardized job description for dietitians using the DACUM technique. To examine the validity of job description through DACUM, dietitians were surveyed relative to importance, performance, and difficulty. The survey was conducted April 1-30, 2014. A total of 217 questionnaires were used in the analysis. The final developed job description for dietitians included six duties, 38 tasks, and 210 task elements. DACUM’s findings include six duties: nutrition management, food service operation management, hygiene safety management, community food and nutrition program management, organization management, and professionalism strengthening. There were 5.1 points regarding importance, 4.1 points regarding performance, 4.9 points regarding difficulty, and statistically significant differences (p<0.001). Dietitians responded that ‘nutrition management’ and ‘hygiene safety management’ were the most important. ‘Hygiene and safety management’ showed the highest performance, and ‘community food and nutrition program management’ and ‘professionalism strengthening'' showed the highest difficulty. Thus, it is considered that the job analysis results can be used to evaluate and improve the subjects’ training program. Dietitians’ jobs are subject to various environmental changes, such as demographic changes, health care system changes, and the development of the food industry, and thus, should be reviewed and analyzed periodically.
The DQMS (Defence Quality Management System) is a certification system that manages participating companies to improve the quality of munitions. Since Korean Defense Specification (KDS) for DQMS certification that was established by adding military requirements based on the ISO quality standard, many companies complain that they should pay too much effort into the preparation process. However, it is hard to find helpful information on the preparation process because we have been only interested in the effect of DQMS acquisition. The purpose of this paper is to provide helpful information to companies preparing for DQMS certification. We surveyed the degree of difficulty and importance of the DQMS requirements from the companies with certification experience, and performed IDA (Importance-Difficulty analysis) by dividing the companies into the main contractor and the subcontractor. The result of IDA shows that there is a different recognition to the DQMS certification between main-contracting and sub-contracting companies. Subcontractor has more difficulties than main contractor in preparing the DQMS certification. In addition, we are able to identify the difficult and important requirements in the preparation process to the DQMS certification. Both main contractor and subcontractor have difficulty to the requirements related to configuration or validation such as ‘customer controls configuration’, ‘configuration review shall be implemented’ and ‘design and development validation documentation.’ The requirements related to customers are important to main contractor but the subcontractor regards difficult requirements as important ones. The result of this paper would be helpful to both the company preparing for DQMS and the munitions quality assurance agency.