본 연구는 해양산업시설에서 배출되는 위험·유해물질(Hazardous and Noxious Substances) 중 아연을 대상으로 국내 서식종을 기반 으로 한 독성시험을 수행하고, 그 결과를 활용하여 국내 실정에 맞는 아연의 해양 수질 준거치(Marine Water Quality Criteria)를 제안하였다. 시험생물은 국내 연근해에 분포하고 산업적으로 유용하며, 표준 시험방법이 존재하는 종을 우선으로 5개의 분류군(Algae, Rotifer, Crustacean, Mollusc, Fish)의 총 10종을 선정하여 독성시험을 수행하였으며, 급·만성비(Acute-Chronic Ratio) 산출을 위하여 무척추동물, 어류 분류군에 대한 만성독성시험을 수행하였다. 국내종 독성시험에서 산출된 독성값을 활용한 수질준거치는 US EPA의 CCC (Criterion Continuous Concentration) 산출 기준으로 9.56 ㎍/L, 호주/뉴질랜드의 산출 기준으로 15.50 ㎍/L 로 나타나 호주/뉴질랜드에서 권고하는 기준인 14.40 ㎍/L 와 유사하였다. US EPA 및 호주/뉴질랜드는 자국의 생태독성 데이터베이스(US EPA Ecotox Database, Australasian Ecotoxicology Database)를 보유하고, 신뢰도 높은 독성값들을 생성하여 수질 기준 및 산출 기준을 갱신하고 있다. 한편, 국내에서는 국내종 기반 급성 독 성값을 적용하고 있지만, 중요한 산출 지표인 급·만성비는 US EPA 또는 유럽의 결과값을 활용하여 해양 수질 준거치를 산출하고 있으며, 국내의 생태독성 자료 또한 제한적인 실정이다. 따라서, 국내 해양 서식종을 기반으로 한 지속적인 독성시험과 준거치 설정 체계를 확보하 여 국내 해양생물과 생태계를 보호할 수 있는 해양 수질 준거치 도출이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
해양환경의 위험유해물질 배출규제는 주로 선박이나 해양시설 등으로부터의 오염규제에 한정되어 있기 때문에, 해안 인접 산업 시설들의 위험유해물질 배출 허용기준 및 배출 지침 수립 등의 해양배출제도의 수립 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 해양산업시 설의 위험유해물질 배출 허용기준 및 배출 지침 정보를 자세히 제공하고 있는 미국 환경보호청(US EPA)의 자료를 중심으로 허용기준 및 배출 지침 수립 등 배출 제도 체계를 소개하고 향후 국내 배출지침 적용에 대해 고찰했다.
The sewage and wastewater (SAW) are a well-known major source of eutrophication and greentide in freshwaters and also a potential source of thermal pollution; however, there were few approaches to thermal effluent of SAW in Korea. This study was performed to understand the behavioral dynamics of the thermal effluents and their effects on the water quality of the connected streams during winter season, considering domestic sewage, industrial wastewater and hot spring wastewater from December 2015 to February 2016. Sampling stations were selected the upstream, the outlet of SAW, and the downstream in each connected stream, and the water temperature change was monitored toward the downstream from the discharging point of SAW. The temperature effect and its range of SAW on the stream were dependent not only on the effluent temperature and quantity but also on the local air temperature, water temperature and stream discharge. The SAW effects on the stream water temperature were observed with temperature increase by 2.1~5.8℃ in the range of 1.0 to 5.5 km downstream. Temperature effect was the greatest in the hot spring wastewater despite of small amount of effluent. The SAW was not only related to temperature but also to the increase of organic matter and nutrients in the connected stream. The industrial wastewater effluent was discharged with high concentration of nitrogen, while the hot spring wastewater was high in both phosphorus and nitrogen. The difference between these cases was due to with and without chemical T-P treatment in the industrial and the hot spring wastewater, respectively. The chlorophyll-a content of the attached algae was high at the outlet of SAW and the downstream reach, mostly in eutrophic level. These ecological results were presumably due to the high water temperature and phosphorus concentration in the stream brought by the thermal effluents of SAW. These results suggest that high temperature of the SAW needs to be emphasized when evaluating its effects on the stream water quality (water temperature, fertility) through a systematized spatial and temporal investigation.
In this study, we investigated influent and effluent water pollutants in 53 Public Sewage Treatment Works (PSTWs) where industrial wastewater or landfill leachate is combined four times for two years from 2014 to 2015. Also, we analyzed the characteristics of heavy metals and volatile organic carbons at influent and effluent of these PSTWs caused by sewage treatment combined with industrial wastewater or landfill leachate. As a result, six heavy metals such as barium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel and zinc, and four volatile organic carbons (VOCs) including phenols, di(2-)ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), formaldehyde and toluene were observed above detection limits in most of PSTWs. Also, it was revealed that six heavy metals such as hexavalent chromium, mercury, cadmium, chromium, nickel and selenium, and four VOCs including 1,1-dichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, naphthalene, and epichlorohydrin were observed more frequently according to precipitation. As a result of reviewing the monitoring data on “Water Quality Monitoring Networks” in lower watersheds of PSTWs, both heavy metals and VOCs were below detection limits, indicating that the effluent water had little influence on the watershed. Nevertheless for the better management of influent and effluent pollutants in PSTWs, it is necessary to establish the advanced management plans for water pollutants in PSTWs, which include a list of priority substances management, monitoring plans, and guidelines for industrial wastewater and landfill leachate combined in PSTWs.
We developed a new ecotoxicological test method using native test species, eggs of Ephemera orientalis, and five kinds of industrial wastewater were tested to validate the test method. The water samples were collected in Jun 2006 from the following industries: pesticide, metal plating, PCB, leather1, and leather2. Wastewater and effluent were diluted by distilled water, respectively, to prepare various concentrations, 100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.3, 3.1, and 0%. For the egg bioassay, 20 freshly laid eggs (<24 h old) were exposed to test solutions in a Petri dish (52×12 mm) at 20℃ with photoperiod of 16 h light and 8 h dark for 14 days. The median egg hatching concentrations (EHC50) were estimated using Probit analysis. All EHC50s of wastewater were less than 3.1%, which meant very high ecotoxicity except for the wastewater of PCB industry having 6.1% of EHC50. Among the effluents, the least toxic effluent was from pesticide industry having 58% of EHC50, while the effluent of leather2 was the most toxic having 7.3% of EHC50.
Mineral carbonation, the return technology of Carbon dioxide into the Nature as a generating source, has been studied by advanced countries. Industrial by-products can be used as economical resource for mineral carbonation. This study is intended as an investigation of effluent recycling of liquid carbonation with carbon dioxide fixation using industrial by-products. The nitrogen and carbon dioxide was used by mixing the same as the exhaust gas concentration 15vol%. Carbon dioxide absorbent was used as Mono Ethanol Amine (MEA) concentration of 5~30wt% and then concentration of carbon dioxide absorption were analyzed. After carbonation reaction, Concentration of dissolved inorganic cations and conversion of carbonation were analyzed by ion chromatography, thermogravimetric, x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope(SEM). Effluent was recycled MEA and water using RO system. These results Confirmed potential of CO2 reduction and Utilization of carbonation using industrial by-products.
Ecotoxicity assessments with the physiochemical water quality items and the bioassay test using Daphnia magna were conducted for 18 selected effluents of 6 industrial types (metal processing, petroleum refining, synthetic textile manufacturing, plating, alcohol beverage manufacturing, inorganic compound manufacturing) being detected toxicity from industrial effluent in Ulsan city, and the interrelationship between total toxic unit (ΣTU) and concentrations of Water Quality Conservation Act in Korea were investigated. The average toxic unit(TU) of effluents for 6 industrial types displayed the following ascending order: petroleum refining (0.2) < synthetic textile manufacturing (0.6) < alcohol beverage manufacturing (0.9) < metal processing (1.3) ≤ inorganic compound manufacturing (1.3) < plating (3.0). These values were less than effluent permission standard. Based on the result of substances causing ecotoxicity, the correlation analysis was not easy because most of heavy metals were not detected or were less than effluent permission standard. Toxicological assessment of industrial effluent was suitable for the evaluation of the mixture toxicity for pollutant. The whole effluent toxicity test using a variety of species was needed for the evaluation of industrial wastewater.