The purpose of this study is to analyze the structure, status and economic ripple effects of the fisheries processing industry in Korea using interindustry analysis. Five input-output tables published over the past twenty years have been reclassified with a focus on the fisheries processing sector. Through these multi-period tables, we analyzed changes in the inducing effects in production, value added and employment as well as the backward-forward linkage effects. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the industrial scale of the fisheries processing industry is very small compared to other food manufacturing industries. The backward linkage effect of the fisheries processing industry was greater than that of other industries, but the forward linkage effect was rather low. This means that the fisheries processing industry can be greatly affected by industrial depression of the downstream industries such as fishery and aquaculture. Production and employment-inducing effects of the fisheries processing industry have shown a decreasing trend in recent years. This reflects the reality that intermediate inputs are gradually being replaced by imports from domestic production due to the expansion of market opening and the depletion of fishery resource. In the future, it is necessary to prepare a strategy to increase the value-added productivity of the fisheries processing sector and foster it as an export industry.
본 논문은 한국의 연구개발투자가 제조업구분에 따른 파급효과들을 산업연관분석을 이용하여 분석하고 있다. 연구 방법은 2010∼2014년 국내 산업연관표 상에서 연구개발투자 부문을 외생화하고, 경제협력개발기구(OECD)의 기술수준 분류표에 입각하여 기술수준별로 제조업을 분류하여 연구개발투자가 미치는 생산유발효과와 부가가치유발효과를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 연구개발투자의 기술수준별 제조업 구분에 따른 생산유발효과는 중고기술과 중저기술에 속한 제조업에서 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 부가가치유발효과 역시 중고기술 제조업에서 높은 것으로 나타났다. 반면 연구개발투자가 가장 많은 고기술제조업에서 생산유발효과와 부가가치유발효과가 상기 2부문보다 낮은 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 결과들은 한국 제조업이 연구개발투자를 통해 기술수준의 제고를 달성하고 이를 산업구조의 고도화로 이어간다는 품질사다리론과 연계되지 않았음을 의미한다. 이러한 분석결과로부터 한국의 연구개발투자가 고기술제조업의 생산유발과 부가가치효과의 증대를 위해 구조조정이 필요하다는 시사점을 얻었다. 본 논문은 산업연관표의 구조적 특성으로 인해 연구개발투자의 시차를 고려하지 못한 한계를 안고 있다.
In the sustainable society, the recycling of resources should achieve the preservation of regional and global environment and should be coordinated with regional agricultural and industrial activities. Especially for waste biomass resources, it will be supplied or discharged by multiple industries as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, manufacturing, commerce and living, and will be demanded by multiple purposes as foods, supplements, feeds, fertilizers, industrial materials and fuels. Therefore, waste biomass flows connecting these supplies to demands will be extremely complex. In order to judge the effectiveness of introducing technologies for recycling, a comprehensive framework, which can estimate impacts of technologies on regional material cycles and regional and global environment, is need. For this purpose, we are developing a physical input-output table (PIOT) for describes complex material flows of waste biomass, water and their constituents (e.g. carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus) in a region by integration of quantity data. This PIOT sets not only industries but also activities on recycling, waste disposal and wastewater handling in detail as sectors. Import and export between regions, and emissions to environment are also set in the table. Applying content rates of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus to mass flows of each item, elemental flows of those are accounted for estimating emission to water (as organic pollutant and nutrients) and atmosphere (as greenhouse gas) from the whole system. The energy consumed by activity in each sector is also accounted for estimating greenhouse gas emission. Another originality of this PIOT is that physical data obtained from relevant statistics will be directly integrated to values in the table. As a case study, we are surveying the waste biomass flow at the Kochi prefecture, Japan. Administrative information on industrial waste was acquired from the Kochi Prefecture and the Kochi City with their cooperation. For municipal waste, annual survey on municipal solid waste business by the ministry of the environment was used. For by-product, generation amount, sort, composition and usage of biomass waste were surveyed by hearing, sampling and questionnaire at recyclers of biomass waste. Amounts of generation, recycling and disposal of each biomass waste item, disposal method and municipality were built up from these reports and survey. Using above information, flows of each lot (the annual generation an item of waste from a source) of biomass waste from generation via treatment to disposal or reuse were compiled in the database and set into the PIOT. The current biomass PIOT for Kochi Prefecture is shown in Figure. This table shows weight of materials as wet basis. The 1.43 × 108 tons/year of total demand and the 1.34 × 108 tons/year of total supply were accounted at this time. The difference between demand and supply would mainly be resulted from unrecorded flows in our database, especially on supply of water from the waterworks and the natural water, and the biomass production. We will survey constituents of carbon and nutrients in materials and expand our PIOT to depict the substance flows of elements, in order to estimate quality and quantities of emissions.