목적: 본 연구의 목적은 고령자 대상 건강증진 그룹 중재 프로그램이 투입 비용 대비 산출하는 사회적 효용에 대해 분석하고자 한다. 연구방법: 원주시에서 수행된 지역사회 고령자 대상의 건강증진 그룹 중재연구 3개를 분석 대상으로 하였다. 사회투자수익률(Social Return on Investment: SROI) 분석은 선행연구의 가이드라인을 참고하여 수행하였다. 결과: 분석 결과 고령자 대상 그룹 중재 프로그램은 모두 투입된 비용 대비 높은 사회적 가치를 창출하였으며, 연구를 기획하고 중재를 제공한 참여 연구원에게도 비용 대비 높은 사회적 가치가 창출된 것으로 나타났다. 결론: 본 연구는 고령자 대상 건강증진 그룹 중재 프로그램의 개발과 평가에 SROI 방법론을 적용하여 효과적인 결과를 얻었다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 향후 연구에서는 작업치료와 보건 및 복지 분야 전반에서 중재연구의 객관적인 사회적 가치를 평가하고 객관적 측정을 위한 지표 개발 연구가 진행될 필요가 있다.
Canada and China’s new Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (“CC-FIPA”) came into force on October 1, 2014. This work discusses some of the main benefits to be gained from building stronger investment relations between Canada- China, as well as a Canadian perspective on the main investment risks that are most likely to impede either country from achieving the full potential in their investment relations. Against this backdrop, this work then examines those provisions in the CCFIPA that are most central to promoting Canada-China investment benefits, as well as those provisions that are most relevant to protecting against the investment risks in Canada-China relations.
This study assessed the Jeju Provincial Government's investment promotion Jeju Free International City (JFIC) website in comparison to Hong Kong’s best practicesubnational Investment Promotion Agency’s (IPA), InvestHK, and Prince EdwardIsland’s IPA, Invest PEI. The study assessed four website dimensions that are recommended for information dissemination to potential investors: information architecture, design, content, and promotional effective- ness. This study is basedon Theodore Moran’s promotional development work, and the Multilateral Invest-ment Guarantee Agency’s (MIGA) recent IPA performance study.The JFIC website exhibited a low overall website performance score of 44%, compared to PEI (68.8%) and InvestHK (90.2%). Jeju’s Content performance (16%)was far lower than the Invest PEI and InvestHK (28% and 47% respectively) IPA scores, and this is what provides investors crucial information such as the IPA’s purpose, core (location) information, and credible, sector specific infor- mation. The JFIC site results also show weak promotional effectiveness of the website in terms of IPA branding, contact information and being easily found in basic Internet searches. The results of this assessment are consistent with MIGA’s findings between best practice IPA’s and developing IPA websites (2006).Recommendations include that Jeju Special Self-governing Province (JSSP) revisethe JFIC website entirely, or remove it and provide its full support to enhance theJeju Development Center’s website. The same website evaluation could provide useful feedback to dramatically increase the effectiveness of the JDC website as well.A true ‘one stop shop’ to service investors would be the most effective solution.Finally, it is recommended that the Investment Climate Survey be undertaken to clearlyidentify what sector specific information can be promoted to investors on the website.The information for investors will then match Jeju’s impressive progress forwardin its development.