분자체 분리막은 분자크기의 기공을 갖는 다공성 분리막으로서 크기 또는 모양을 기반으로 혼합물을 분리하며, 높은 잠재적 에너지 효율과 뛰어난 분리능으로 많은 주목을 받아왔다. 그 중, 제올라이트 MFI 분리막은 가장 오랫동안 연구 된 물질 중의 하나이며, 다양한 방면으로 개발된 기술들은 이후 다른 종류의 분자체 분리막 연구에도 많은 영향을 미쳤다. 본 총설에서는, 결정성 물질인 제올라이트 MFI의 결정 생성 및 성장을 제어하여 자일렌 이성질체 혼합물에 대한 분리막의 투과 도와 선택도를 향상시킨 많은 방법들을 다룬다. 씨앗결정의 형태 제어, 결정의 효과적인 이차성장법, 씨앗결정의 코팅 방법, 결정의 방향성 제어, 이종원소 도입을 통한 결정구조의 유연성 제어, 결함 관리 등, 자일렌 이성질체 분리성능의 비약적 성능 향상을 가져온 기술들을 소개한다.
Ooencyrtus nezarae lshii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) is a major egg parasitoid of Riptortus pedestris (F.) (Hemiptera: Alydidae). One of the components of the aggregation pheromone of R. pedestris, (E)-2-hexenyl (Z)-3-hexenoate (E2HZ3H), is known to attract O. nezarae female. Response of O. nezarae females to E2HZ3H and its isomers was studied using electro-antennogram (EAG) and field tests. O. nezarae females showed higher antennal response to E2HZ3H and Z2HE3H isomers than E2HE3H and Z2HZ3H. In field tests, O. nezarae females were attracted to E2HZ3H traps, but not to Z2E3 traps. Interestingly, the blend of E2HZ3H and Z2HE3H showed significant antagonistic activities to the attraction of O. nezarae females in the field. We conclude from this study that Z2HE3H is a potent antagonist to the behavioral response of O. nezarae.
This study was conducted to investgate the effect of gamma irradiation on the lipid oxidation, olfactory properties, fatty acid isomer and volatile compound profiles of five different oil sources. Three plant oils, canola oil, corn oil and soy oil, and two animal fat, tallow and fish oil, were irradiated with 0, 5, 10, and 20 kGy level of dose by Co-60 as a radiation source. Lipid oxidation parameters, FFA, POV and TBARS, were determined according to the AACC and AOCS method. Olfactory property of irradiated oil sources was analyzed using electronic nose (FOX3000, AlphaMOS Co., France) with 12 metal oxide sensors and the result was interpreted using principle component analysis program. Fatty acid isomer profiles and volatile compound profiles of irradiated oils were also measured by GC and GC-MS, respectively. Although the free fatty acid level of oil were the highest by high dose level (20 kGy) of irradiation, changes of both TBARS and POV values by gamma irradiation were varied between oil sources and irradiation level of dose. Electronic nose analysis showed a distinct difference among dose levels of irradiation. Although there was no new volatile compound produced by gamma irradiation, amounts of each volatile compounds were increased by irradiation. Only cis isomer, 9c12c15c of linolenic acid was dose-dependently decreased as irradiation level increased but there was no difference among other isomer profiles of linoleic acid and linolenic acid by gamma irradiation. This study showed that changes in physico-chemical properties of both plant and animal oil were remarkable by gamma irradiation. Therefore, a further study should be needed to scrutinize the interaction among lipid oxidation, production of volatile compounds and off-flavor, and isomerization of fatty acid by gamma-irradiation.