본 연구에서는 기생성 맵시벌과의 4종에 대하여 새로운 숙주를 보고하고자 한다. 4종의 맵시벌과는 황오색나비 (나비목: 네발나비과), 밤색하 늘소 (딱정벌레목: 하늘소과), 황다리독나방 (나비목: 독나방과)의 번데기에서 각각 발견되었다. 본 논문에서는 맵시벌과 4종의 간략한 식별형질과 사진정보, 황다리독나방에 기생하는 맵시벌과의 목록을 제시 하였다.
The species composition of the parasitoid complex and the degree of parasitism by each species were analyzed for Ivela auripes Butler (Lepidoptera, Lymantridae) populations in the increasing phase. Total of 2,177 eggs, larvae and pupae were collected and reared from the Gwangneung forest Pocheon-si, Korea.
The most abundant parasitoids from each developmental stage were: a trichogrammatid wasp (Trichogramma kurosuae) from eggs, a braconid wasp (Cotesia melanoscela) from larvae, an ichneumonid wasp (Pimpla disparis) and a tachinid fly (Tachinidae sp.1), each from pupae. 19 other parasitoids, mostly hyperparasitoids, also occurred including Tachinidae sp.2, Pteromalidae sp.1, Ichneumonidae sp.3, and Apechthis capulifera. Illustrations and a list of the species parasitizing of I. auripes are provided.
Life history of Ivela auripes (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), a pest of Comus controversa, was investigated both in laboratory and field condition. At 24±1℃, developmental period from larvae to adult and adult life span was 26.3±0.3 and 4.4±0.2 days, respectively. Developmental period of pupae reared in the laboratory was not significantly different from those collected in the field. Female moths reared in the laboratory laid significantly less eggs than those emerged from the pupae collected in the field. Light trap catches was less effective than direct monitoring in the field. The two monitoring results showed that adult moth emerged from early June to late June, and the time of 50% cumulative emergence was 17 June.