
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the nutritional composition of Korean landrace crops, including 4 rice and 3 legume varieties, before and after cooking. The study aimed to provide fundamental nutritional data for these traditional crops, valuable for dietary planning and product development in the food industry. The results showed that cooking significantly affected most nutrients, except some minerals and vitamins. the nutritional content of the landrace crops was generally similar to common varieties, with some notable differences. Jaepat had higher carbohydrate content than common red beans. Most landrace crops showed higher phosphorus levels compared to common varieties, except Seonbijabi-kong. Potassium content was notably higher in all landrace rice varieties. Regarding vitamins, beta-carotene was not detected in landrace rice, and vitamin B1 and B3 levels were lower in landrace crops. However, Geomeunkkae-ssal-byeo had the highest vitamin E content among landrace rice varieties. This study provides valuable nutritional data on Korean landrace crops, which can be used to promote the consumption and preservation of these genetic resources. The study also suggests that the obtained nutritional information can be utilized as a basis for meal planning by consumers and food service facilities, as well as for product development in the food industry.