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        검색결과 3

        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a researcher transcribed Korean negation sentences presented on four episodes of the [Love of 7.7 Billion] and analyzed the discourses of foreign panel members by focusing on Korean negation sentences. The aims of this study are to (1) analyze types and accuracy of Korean negation sentences in foreign panel members’ discourse and (2) present pedagogical implications for efficient Korean education on negation sentences. This study was launched as an attempt to analyze how correctly and variously foreign panel members in the program use Korean negation sentences in their discourse. Since discourse is closely related to the ordinary life of humans, discourses which appeared on the [Love of 7.7 Billion] would be suitable data to analyze since it is a discussion-based program. Therefore, discourse is useful from a pedagogical standpoint to look into the Korean language proficiency of them. Through discourse analysis, several implications were found. (1) foreign panels tended to use short negation sentences rather than long negation sentences; (2) panels’ use of Korean negation sentences was not various; (3) panels divided Korean negation sentences into often-used negation sentences and rarely-used negation sentences; (4) the use of negative polarity was not found that much.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study are to understand the influence of L1 on learning Korean negation and a developmental sequence of Korean negation forms through examining English and Japanese learners of Korean. In particular, we aim to investigate whether linguistic distance between L1 and L2 affects learning Korean negation. Forty English and twenty Japanese students who were learning Korean in colleges participated in the written production test. As a control group, forty Korean native speakers took the written test. We observed that the English and the Japanese groups produced less number of long form negation sentences than the Korean adult group did. The English group showed a developmental pattern to advance from short to long forms, while the Japanese group demonstrated the opposite tendency. These results suggested that an influence of L1 negation structure on L2 learning coexisted with that of a general developmental sequence. The pedagogical implications of the findings are two-fold:1) the findings would provide practical suggestions for instructing Korean negation forms in multilingual classrooms and 2) the findings would help researchers and language teachers understand the learning patterns of Korean by L2 learners.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In spite of numerous theoretical studies on sentential negation in Korean (an V for short form negation and V-ci anh for long form negation) in the literature, much of the discussion has focused on its abstract features, relying on the researcher`s intuition or introspective judgment of limited sources. This paper presents an empirical observation by investigating the actual distribu- tion of sentential negation in corpus, based on the Sejong Spoken Corpus. Two analyses of sentential negation were done: frequency analysis and compatibility with predicate types. The frequency analysis revealed that long form negation was used more often than short form negation. The analysis in terms of compatibility with predicate types showed that long form negation appeared more frequently with Sino-Korean predicates and with adjectival predicates than short form negation. The findings were discussed in relation to register variation and discourse strategies.