
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Tribolodon hakonensis is an anadromous fish that migrates to freshwater for spawning in spring. During this upstream migration, olfaction plays a crucial role by sensing olfactory cues dissolved in the aquatic environment. This study involved anatomical and histological analyses of the olfactory organ in the sea rundace Tribolodon hakonensis during the spawning season, from March to April 2021, in Korea. Anatomically, the external morphology of the olfactory organ comprises a pair of semicircular anterior nostrils, posterior nostrils, and nasal flaps on the snout. Internally, each olfactory organ contains an oval rosette consisting of 30 to 34 lamellae within the olfactory chamber. Histologically, the sensory epithelium exhibits a continuous distribution pattern with a thickness of 49.70±7.49 μm (range: 39.35 to 64.58 μm) extending from the anterior part to the terminal part of the olfactory lamella. This epithelium contains olfactory receptor neurons, supporting cells, basal cells, and cilia. The non-sensory epithelium, located at the terminal part, has a thickness of 48.74±5.40 μm (range: 38.06 to 59.24 μm) and features stratified epithelial cells and basal cells. Mucous cells, mucus, and lymphatic cells are found in both the sensory and non-sensory epithelia. Based on these results, the olfactory characteristics of T. hakonensis are considered suitable for its ecological traits that facilitate swimming through the middle layer of the water column. These findings could be served as foundational taxonomic data for the genus.